Paschim = west. In this context, it means backside; namaskar = greeting; asana = pose
Paschim Namaskarasana or the Reverse Prayer pose is an upper body strengthening pose that works specifically on the arms and the abdomen. It is also known as Viparita Namaskarasana.
How to do Reverse Prayer Pose (Paschim Namaskarasana)
Begin in Tadasana pose.
Relax the shoulders and bend your knees a little.
Bring your arms behind your back and join the palms with fingertips facing downward.
As you inhale, turn the fingertips inwards towards the spine and bring them to face upwards.
Ensure that the knees are still slightly bent and the palms are pressed firmly against each other.
Stay in the position for a couple of breaths.
As you exhale, slowly turn the fingertips downward.
Yoga practice helps develop the body and mind bringing a lot of health benefits yet is not a substitute for medicine. It is important to learn and practice yoga postures under the supervision of a trained Sri Sri Yoga teacher. In case of any medical condition, practice yoga postures after consulting a doctor and a Sri Sri Yoga teacher. Find a Sri Sri Yoga program at an Art of Living Center near you. Do you need information on programs or share feedback? Write to us at
FAQ's on Reverse Prayer Pose (Paschim Namaskarasana)
Which muscle is stretched when performing a reversed prayer hands pushing together?
"While performing a reversed prayer following muscles are stretched: It stretches the upper back. It stretches the shoulder joints and pectoral muscles. It opens the abdomen, thus allowing deeper breaths."
What are the benefits of Pranamasana?
"Benefits of Pranamasana: It stretches the upper back. It stretches the shoulder joints and pectoral muscles. It opens the abdomen, thus allowing deeper breaths."
How do you pray behind your back?
"Follow the steps to do Reverse Prayer pose: Begin in the Tadasana pose. Relax the shoulders and bend your knees a little. Bring your arms behind your back and join the palms with fingertips facing downward. As you inhale, turn the fingertips inwards towards the spine and bring them to face upwards. Ensure that the knees are still slightly bent and the palms are pressed firmly against each other. Stay in the position for a couple of breaths. As you exhale, slowly turn the fingertips downward. Bring the arms to the side of the body and slowly come back into Tadasana."
How do you make Paschima Namaskarasana?
"Paschim means west. In this context, it means backside. Follow the steps to do Paschima Namaskarasana (Reverse Prayer pose or Viparita Namaskarasana): Begin in the Tadasana pose. Relax the shoulders and bend your knees a little. Bring your arms behind your back and join the palms with fingertips facing downward. As you inhale, turn the fingertips inwards towards the spine and bring them to face upwards. Ensure that the knees are still slightly bent and the palms are pressed firmly against each other. Stay in the position for a couple of breaths. As you exhale, slowly turn the fingertips downward. Bring the arms to the side of the body and slowly come back into Tadasana."
Who should not Parvatasana?
Parvatasana should be avoided by people who have wrist, hip, or ankle injuries or have spinal or shoulder pain.
What is Hastapadasana?
In yoga, Hastapadasana (Hand-to-foot pose) is a standing forward bend or asana. Hasta- hand; Padah- foot; asana- pose. Pronounced: Has-tah-pada-sanah. Just like, Uttanasana, Paschimottanasana etc.
How do you pray pose?
"Prayer or Pray pose (first pose in Sun Salutation) steps are: Keep your feet together and balance your weight equally on both feet. Expand your chest and relax your shoulders. As you breathe in, lift both arms up from the sides, and as you exhale, bring your palms together in front of the chest in a prayer position."
What is reverse yoga?
Reverse Prayer pose or Reverse yoga or Paschim Namaskarasana is an upper body strengthening pose that works specifically on the arms and the abdomen. It is also known as Viparita Namaskarasana. Paschim - west. In this context, it means backside; namaskar - greeting; asana - pose
What is the prayer stretch?
"Prayer stretch is similar to Child's pose or Balasana. Sit on your heels. Keeping your hips on the heels, bend forward, and lower your forehead to the floor. Keep the arms extended above the head with hands on the floor, palms touching each other in a namaskar position. Gently press your chest on the thighs. Hold. Slowly come up to sit on the heels, uncurling vertebra by vertebra, and relax."
How do you reverse the praying hands?
"Bring your arms behind your back and join the palms with fingertips facing downward. As you inhale, turn the fingertips inwards towards the spine and bring them to face upwards."
What is the prayer pose before doing asana?
Tadasana is the pose before you go into reverse prayer pose.
Is Reverse Warrior an inhale or exhale?
"Breathing pattern in Reverse Warrior pose: Inhale: From Virabhadrasana ii (Warrior Pose ii) inhale, drop your right arm down and lift your left arm up. Exhale: Stretch your arms upwards and drop the head back, looking up."
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