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  1. Qu'est-ce que le Sudarshan Kriya?

    Le Sudarshan Kriya est une technique yogique ayant pour carctéristique principale d'utiliser des rythmes naturels spécifiques de respiration. Ces derniers permettent d'harmoniser le rythme du corps, de l'esprit et des émotions.  De ce fait, ...
  2. La véritable coupable est la programmation à la haine au nom de l'éducation

    La véritable coupable est la programmation à la haine au nom de l'éducation, écrit Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Aujourd'hui, nous voyons deux types de terrorisme dans le monde: l'un qui nait pour des raisons idéologiques et l'autre qui ...
  3. Le Festival Mondial des Cultures 2016

    FESTIVAL MONDIAL DES CULTURES (WORLD CULTURE FESTIVAL – WCF) 2016 COMITE DE RECEPTION EVENEMENTS PASSES CONTACT ••••• Le Festival Mondial des Cultures 2016 L’Art de Vivre célébrera ses 35 ans de service à l’humanité en 2016. Le Festival Mondial des Cultur ...
  4. Peace

    Gurudev addresses a peace conference in Kurdistan, Iraq in November 2014. Read more Integrated Peacebuilding Training for Social and Peace Workers in Beirut. Know more “Stress and tension are the root cause of violence,” says Sri Sri. When stress is relea ...
  5. The Secret of Secrets

    This is continued from the previous Secrets of Meditation post … In Quantum Physics, everything is only atoms, a wave function, just energy. There are striking similarities between Quantum Physics, Vedanta, Yoga and the Art of Meditation. Adi Shankara sai ...
  6. Questions on Meditation

    Q-1: How to quiet the voice inside my head while meditating? Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There are several things you can do about it. First is accepting it and not fighting with it. You fight with it and feel that you should not have this noise. The mo ...
  7. Understanding Fear

    I was going through the presentation that I was supposed to present to my colleagues that morning. I was not ready. Something inside me was shaking. My palms were sweating; my heart beat was going high as every minute passed. I could not concentrate on wh ...
  8. 7 Meditation Mantras for Youth: Sit Still, Move Mountains

    All the adventures in a person’s life are normally concentrated in the few years between 16 and about 25.It is imperative that we learn to ride the storms and scale the heights. Choices are made, words are spoken, actions are taken faster than the speed o ...
  9. 8 Tips to Get Started with Meditation

    Did you know by spending just a little time preparing for your meditation, you can actually have a deeper experience in meditation? For your ease, the tips given below will help you prepare for your meditation. Once done, click on the guided meditation be ...
  10. Advanced courses

    Blessings Program "That state when you don't want anything... then the blessings that flow out are bound to materialize."- Gurudev                                                                                                          The ...
Displaying 91 - 100 of 105