A Billion Chants

to Heal the World

25th February - 1st March

Join the chant ‘Panchakshari Shiva Mantra’, Om Namah Shivaya, a billion times. Spread the positive vibes of the healing mantra around the world.


Chants and Counting

Why should we participate in the 1 billion chants?

Om Namah Shivaya' is an ancient mantra. Mantra chanting is a tradition of repeating a word or a phrase multiple times. When we chant Om Namah Shivaya, our surroundings vibrate with positive energy.

Body dies but energy can neither be destroyed nor created. When we chant Om Namah Shivaya, it produces sound energy. This sound energy stays in the atmosphere and in our system. It calms our mind. It also makes our mind more alert.

Sound energy flows in the form of a wave and our deepest consciousness is nothing but the energy in the form of a wave. Om Namah Shivaya vibrates the "deepest layer of our consciousness". It "resonates with each layer of our consciousness".


by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Mahashivratri 2022 live web stream on The Art of Living YouTube channel, Facebook & Instagram Pages.

"Mention am chanting" in the comments section. Flaunt your chant counts and tag your friend (More the merrier!). Spread positive vibes all around.

Sway in the divine dance of Shiva!

1st March, 2022 | Bangalore