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Women Leaders6
Katrein has dedicated her time to teaching inmates around the world. The techniques taught on the Prison Program have transformed the lives of many bringing new hope and new life. She shares:“In my first Prison Program in Belgium, now more than one year a ... -
Women Leaders5
Dafna Paz Katrien Dafna Paz Katrien Hertog, and Nouran Gergues, both teachers of The Art of Living, have been conducting trauma relief courses and garnering relief materials in Israel and Palestine. During the war in Lebanon, Dafna co-ordinated the relief ... -
Women Leaders4
Snjezana Nisevic, is director of The Art of Living programs in Kosovo and Albania. The Kosovo area of the Balkans has been an embattled area throughout history for almost 2000 years. The Art of Living has carried out special courses for women’s welfare. O ... -
Women Leaders3
Shabari The beautiful villages in the North-East of India have been ravaged by many challenges, due to lack of infrastructure, callous development, and militancy. Shabari created a revolution in education in the Northeast, and presently takes care of 46 t ... -
Women Leaders2
Mawahibal shaibani The Art of Living began its work in Iraq in 2003 with a focus to bringing some relief and peace to its people. Several teachers from around the world were sent to Iraq in the face of ongoing bombings to conduct trauma care workshops, pr ... -
Women Leaders1
Deepali Patel started the first Art of Living programs in the Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, and Senegal, The Youth Leadership Training Programs and the 5H programs she has taught have helped build inroads towards sustainable development and harmony ... -
Parish Prison, New Orleans
Starting on Challenging Ground In the post Katrina facilities currently in New Orleans Parish Prison, The Art of Living offered it’s PRISON SMART program only to inmates of tent number seven to keep it manageable. Participants taking the course The course ... -
Tu Cheng Detention Center, TAIPEI
In Taipei a total of 51 incarcerated women completed the course. Ling Fang shares: "Before taking the class, I was living in fear and depression to the point that I was thinking of committing suicide. However, after the course, I found that my short- ... -
JAKARTA: Prison Program
“If people get sick, we bring them to the hospital and give them the right medicines so that they get better. If people’s behavior is sick, we bring them to the prison, but we forget the medicines.” – Gurudev The Mission The mission of the Prison SMART Pr ... -
Casablanca Correctional Center
The Beginning A female teacher from The Art of Living conducted a course at the Casablanca Correctional Center on January 15, 2007. Around thirty five juvenile delinquents and five correctional officers participated. The Impact The participants had severa ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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