Weight weighing you down?
Weight loss tool and also a stressbuster? Yogasanas done at moderate speed fit the bill perfectly. Happy working out!

Not enough fire in the belly?
The root of most of our problems, mental and physical - a bad digestion! Yogasanas can help you rev up your digestive system.

Yoga for cervical spondylosis
It can be an extremely painful and debilitating condition. Medicines are not a cure. Yogasanas can ease the condition to a very large extent.

Yoga - an immunity booster
At a hint of a change in weather and you sneeze, you cough, some bug catches you. Immunity at ground zero? Yogasanas to the rescue!

Follically challenged?
Scared to comb your hair? Hair not intertested in staying on the head? Desperate for some length? 5 easy yogasanas to the rescue!

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome making life hell for you? Amongst the several remedies available today, one stands out as a time-tested savior – Yoga!

Boost Fertility with Yoga
Conception woes? Have you been ‘hoping’ or ‘trying’ for your little bundle of joy? Yogasanas can improve your fertility rate and chances of conceiving. Try it out!

Arthritis? Can Yoga help?
Lubrication of joints improves and the degenerative nature of arthritis can be arrested.

Unfreeze the shoulder
All the stress of the day finds its way to the shoulders resulting in they becoming immobile and literally locked in their place. Yogasanas are the best bet for 'defrosting' the shoulders!

Yoga for health and wellness
"I'm healthy. Why should I exercise? Be careful with what I eat?" We need to get out of this mindset. Health and wellness are prized possessions. Doing Yoga is a sure shot way of maintaining them.

Yoga and the seven chakras
A chakra is a whirlpool of energy in our subtle body. Each chakra has certain emotions that reside there. Yogasanas are the most effective way to balance the chakra, thus balancing the emotion.

Moods making you swing?
Down in the dumps but buoyant the next minute? Angry one minute but lonely the next? Mood are making you swing like a pendulum. Try Yoga!

Yoga for young adults?
Confused minds and raging hormones define teenage years. Yoga helps teens to manage stress thus giving them the balance they so desperately need.

The back is a pain?
The All Direction Back Stretch is a sure shot cure! You're as good as new in just five minutes!

Boost metabolism for weight loss
Great tips to boost metabolism to help speed up the weight loss process. Come on! Onto your yoga mats, lazy bones!