What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. Higher Feelings Manifest Your Desires Faster

    What determines how much wealth one accumulates in life. Is there any secret? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When you receive even before the desire arises, that is called siddhi. Suppose you get almonds after you lose all your teeth, that is bad luck. When you ge ...
  2. See Divine Behind Everything

    Some people say, "Don’t worry about the world, find your joy and your peace that is more important". Correct, that is the first step, you find your peace. But once you have found your peace, what you do? And when your peace is connected with so many peopl ...
  3. Importance Of Good Company

      The effect of time is both on matter and the mind. You keep an apple over time, it starts to rot, isn't it? When you look at any object, you can know how old it is. So like that time has an impact on matter. Our body changes with time. Similarly time al ...
  4. The Classic Form Of Service

    Why do people not know that the peace is within them? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When you are stressed and distressed, you only create disturbance around you. Whether it is because of language, religion, or whatever excuse you take to express your frustration. ...
  5. Shrug Off The Past And Live In The Moment

    Happy Holi to all of you! Holi simply means celebration of colours. Life has multiple colours and it is very juicy, so no one can be dry. Dripped in colours, celebrate life! There is a part of me who is aware of the quality of my meditation, if its deep, ...
  6. Let Your Life Be Full Of Color And Joy

      Life is colorful! In India this is the last full moon of the year, in the next new moon the New Year begins. 15 days after this full moon is the New Year in India. So before that last full moon, the tradition is to just take all the old stuff and put it ...
  7. Practice Of Yoga And Meditation Brings Inner Peace

    Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Are you more enlightened than what you were when you started The Art of Living? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Unfortunately not! I am the same, I have not changed. Incorrigible! I don’t think there is any scope in the future also! But now, I ...
  8. Aggression Is A Sign Of Weakness

    How to be right and kind at the same time? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Being right does not mean being harsh and being kind doesn’t mean just letting anything happen. Kindness is not complacence and righteousness is not just aggression. Unfortunately, today, wh ...
  9. Self Reflect And Find The Nectar Of Life

    Today Iranians are celebrating their New Year! It’s New Year in Iran, Afghanistan, Kurdistan, and what they have kept here is very interesting. It is the same tradition that is followed in Kerala since centuries. On a New Year day they keep a mirror, some ...
  10. Trust God And Know Only The Best Will Happen To You

    If your mind has to be creative, it should be free from getting stuck in one direction. Just imagine if you could see from the left, from the right and from the back of your head! This is the concept of Brahma (the Hindu God with four faces, one in each d ...