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  1. Flood Relief Efforts Testimonial 2

    Principal Secretary to Government of Maharashtra who coordinated the relief work between the government and NGOs They willingly went to difficult areas, visited more than 10, 000 households and talked to people about their needs and problems. What was mor ...
  2. Cyclone relief efforts testi 5

    Disaster relief While charitable organizations have provided Hurricane Katrina victims with essentials, such as food, clothes and shelter, the Art of Living Foundation and the International Association for Human Values offered emotional support. ...
  3. Cyclone relief efforts testi 3

    Displaced resident of New Orleans {The Art of Living course} allowed me to release a lot of stress and chaos that I was feeling prior to that. It just allowed me personally to go really deep within myself and it was very peaceful, serene and relaxing. ...
  4. Cyclone relief efforts testi 4

    Director of Global Brotherhood of Light (GBL), Inc. Youth Ministries I've noticed that each day, after completing the program the kids are happier, less restless and their minds are so much more settled. I have personally experienced the benefits of ...
  5. Disaster reliefmy story_25

    aged 14, Gabra village Every morning I used to wake up with a jolt, my whole body used to ache and at night I used to be very scared of noises and I missed my mother who died in quake. Now I am feeling very relaxed and no longer afraid of noises. ...
  6. Disaster reliefmy story_22

    Director of Global Brotherhood of Light (GBL), Inc. Youth Ministries I've noticed that each day, after completing the programme the kids are happier, less restless and their minds are so much more settled. I have personally experienced the benefits o ...
  7. Disaster reliefmy story_23

    While charitable organizations have provided Hurricane Katrina victims with essentials, such as food, clothes and shelter, the Art of Living Foundation and the International Association for Human Values offered emotional support. ...
  8. Disaster reliefmy story_24

    Shaalkot village, Baramullah, Kashmir, October 20, 2005 Until we did the breath exercises my heart had not stopped pounding, not since the earthquake. Now at last I am at peace, I will tell my neighbours. ...
  9. Disaster reliefmy story_21

    (Ex-District Collector, Nagapattinam District, Tamil Nadu) Art of Living services will definitely be remembered in Nagapttinam. I am sure their value based services will help in improving quality of life of its affected citizens especially the unfortunate ...
  10. Disaster reliefmy story_19

    Art of Living Foundation Trauma Relief Sichuan Mission No matter how much you have seen and heard, nothing... nothing, can possibly prepare you for the tragedy that hit the Shifang Middle-School. 150 pupils and teachers perished under the debris and rubbl ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More