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Smiles Of Strength
Today, I am launching a project in Brazil – ‘Volunteer for better Brazil’. If we all can give one hour each day, for just the coming year 2017, then we can make our society better.Look at the children from the largest slum in the world. How beautifully th ... -
Be Happy Whether You Win Or Lose
(Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was welcomed at the Olympic sports Arena in Oslo, Norway on the 26th of October 2016. An event which saw the gathering of many sports persons was addressed by Gurudev. Below is the transcript of what Gurudev said…) As I was li ... -
Are You Stuck In Events?
What are your thoughts on home schooling? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: That's up to you. If you want to play multiple roles, you can do that. But I think children should go to school and mix with other kids. See things from a bigger perspective. The world is lik ... -
Gurudev, everything seems so simple and so easy when I'm here but once I'm out of here, that’s when all the challenges start.
That's why it is necessary to be in the Guru's cocoon till you are able to fly as a butterfly. Knowledge is easier here. A worm's intention is to become a butterfly, but it does the opposite, it gets into a cocoon where it cannot even move out. Either y ... -
What does it mean to love yourself and what is the implication of it?
This simply means to realize that you are loved, that's all. Love is not an act, it is what you are; your state of being. When you are calm, serene and subtle, that's what it is. Usually here in the west, if one is angry at oneself then i ... -
What are your thoughts on home schooling?
That's up to you. If you want to play multiple roles, you can do that. But I think children should go to school and mix with other kids. See things from a bigger perspective. The world is like a dream. If you are stuck to events, you can neve ... -
Gurudev's Message on New Year 2017
Time teaches you lessons and makes you wise. If you are intelligent, you will learn from time and celebrate. If you are unwise, you will lament and become sad with every passing year. 2016 has been such a wonderful year. We had a great event (The World Cu ... -
Going Beyond Words
When the Sun, Moon and Earth are in one line, there is a different cosmic energy pattern that happens. This time is very good for meditation and chanting.The mind is connected with the moon, the body is connected with the Earth and the Sun is connected wi ... -
(A member of the audience asked a question which was inaudible)
In meditation there is no ego; there are no boundaries. Boundaries come when the spirit attaches itself to a desire, and then ego comes up to protect that. It’s all the play of ego, desire and intellect. Three things obscure our spirit: -
What is fear?
Every seed has a membrane around it. That shell is there to protect the seed, but when you soak the seed in water, at some point the membrane breaks and the sprout come out of it. In the same way, fear is a mechanism around the life to protect it; at th ...