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How do we find balance?
Through Meditation. Today scientists say, if you meditate even for eight weeks at least once a day, the grey matter in the brain increases and the structure of the brain changes. That's what I have been saying for the last 35-40 years. Today scientists ... -
With the culture and education system of today, how do we nature that childlike quality in us?
They are not contradictory, in fact they are complimentary. If you talk to any accomplished scientist, you'll find in them this quality of innocence, like a child. Any genius in any field for that matter, if you sit and talk to them, you will feel that ... -
Touching That Level Of Meditation
Meditation is not concentration. How many of you think meditation is concentration? (Many in the audience raise their hands) You'll be disappointed because Meditation is not concentration. Meditation is a deep relaxation, and it is happening to us many ti ... -
3 Things Everyone Looks For
I am very happy to be with all of you this evening! So what shall we do now? Let’s do something different today, shall we? Let’s not discuss stress relief, relationships, peace and all the usual topics. Let’s think of something bigger and something beyond ... -
Do you represent religion?
I represent spirituality which is the essence of all religions. I represent humanism which is the essence of all religions. I represent love and wisdom which is the goal of all religions, and I represent multi-religious dialogue and multi-cultural festi ... -
What is the way of life of Art of Living?
Art of Living is to live life with wisdom and with a broad vision. The Art of living is to create a violence-free society, disease-free body, confusion-free mind, inhibition-free intellect, trauma-free memory and sorrow-free soul. ... -
How to go beyond physical suffering?
When you sleep, you go beyond the body and beyond pain. But if you meditate, you can consciously go beyond pain. ... -
Love or reason?
Both are part of life. You should not choose between them. It is like asking someone ‘Should I watch or listen to television?’ You have to do both.When you do business, do it with reason. When you relate to people don’t do it as ... -
Don't Get Stuck In Small Things
Below in the continuation of the post There Is No Escape From The Guru) There are many dimensions in life. Let’s work with this dimension properly, when you are totally relieved from this dimension, or fully satisfied in this dimension, then the other dim ... -
Gurudev, what is fear and what is fantasy? Many of my fears in day to day life are baseless; things that will never happen. Why do I picture the worst scenario?
Fear is love upside down. If you have fear, then know that you have the ability to love. So, when you fall in love or raise in love, your fear will simply dissipate. Fear is nothing but another way of love. ...