Wisdom Search

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  1. How do I find strength in myself?

    Be well rested and have your heart in the right place. You need both mental and physical rest. Thinking “Oh I have done so much!” will only bore you down. Just know that you will have enough time and energy to do what you were born to do in this life. ...
  2. How do I come out of negative patterns in my life?

    Once you see yourself acting in a pattern, you are already stepping out of it. ...
  3. What is your advice to parents?

    Know how to ride a horse! When you sit on horseback, you must move with it. You have to rock with the motion otherwise your back will hurt. Parents have to rock. You have to swing with them, know them and gently guide. Sometimes you tighten the reins, some ...
  4. What if we feel we have gotten more in life than we deserve and are afraid to lose it?

    Be grateful, prayerful. Know that whoever has given it to you, cares for you and would not take it away. Do service. Put your attention on giving back to society. This is giving back to God. If negative thoughts, insecurities, doubts come into the mind, ch ...
  5. How to get rid of hurt and anger?

    Do Sudarshan Kriya, breathe, sing, meditate. There is no point in brooding. Move on in life. Don’t waste today for what happened yesterday. Wake up and say, “I have the valor and the courage to overcome this.” With someone else’s anger, you must play all y ...
  6. I always run into obstacles when there is something I really want to achieve. What should I do?

    Whatever intention you put, that will manifest. Do not label yourself. There should be no “always.” Accept that you are unaware of your own potentiality. You may think you always have some difficulty, but thinking so is what points the intention in a negat ...
  7. Is there a higher purpose to art?

    There is no purpose to art. It is an expression of happiness. For the onlooker, art brings a sort of solace and comfort. For the creator, it is just an expression. ...
  8. How does one deal with the loss of a loved one?

    When a dear one is lost, just bear it. Be with that moment. Let time take you out of it. There is no “dealing” with this. Just be in the knowledge. ...
  9. How can I become more disciplined?

    Why do you want to be disciplined? It will make you happier? It will improve your fitness or health? So, it is the love for being in shape or the fear of becoming unhealthy that will keep you disciplined. Love, fear and greed bring discipline. If someone s ...
  10. How do I break the cycle of feeling victimized whenever I go through difficulties?

    You have already broken it the moment you realize the pattern. You realize it is your own mind’s making and that it has happened over and over again. This realization will come in its own time. And when this happens, be happy and grateful. Imagine where yo ...