Wisdom Search

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  1. How to attain the power of vision that Sanjay had in The Mahabharata?

    By being centered. When you experience the depth of meditation then naturally you get knowledge. There is no effort involved; no rotting of scriptures is required. ...
  2. Guruji you arrive and the entire atmosphere changes. What can we do to achieve the same?

    It is your responsibility to transform the atmosphere wherever you go. You can do it too. By doing meditation and practices, our body produces such vibrations that everybody around us gets the benefit, not just us alone. ...
  3. What is samadhi?

    When the mind is at ease and centered, that is a glimpse into samadhi. The experience you have when you lie down after the Sudarshan Kriya. When you feel – I don't know where I am but that I am. ...
  4. What is the secret behind the notion of ‘Judgment Day’ in Christianity?

    Christianity says a judgment day will come. At that time all those below the earth, the dead bodies will rise and be asked about their right and wrong deeds. According to which they will be sent to either heaven or hell. The understanding changed from the ...
  5. Sometimes I find many vikaras (flaws) in myself and think that I don't deserve to be on the path. What can I do?

    Get rid of guilt. Till now you were suffering from guilt and weren’t even aware of it. Now that you are aware, you can’t bear it. This makes you a seeker. So many have dropped their vikaras. Keep doing satsang, seva and get into the depth of meditation - i ...
  6. Is there a limit for tolerance?

    Sky is the limit. If someone is doing injustice, don’t tolerate yet don’t react. Respond to it. Reaction is when you just do it without being aware of it. When there is injustice, plan properly and counter it with awareness. I am not telling you to tolerat ...
  7. My mind goes all over, even when I’m doing pooja/worship.

    It is Ok. See, it is not the best when the mind wanders in all directions. But you have got into the habit of sitting with yourself every day. That way sometime you will get into meditation and a samskara (impression) has been formed. With time, mind will ...
  8. Is the concept of anatma (no soul) true? Modern neuroscientists are in agreement with this idea. Please tell us what the truth is.

    Lord Buddha said, “I went in meditation, I searched and searched and searched for the soul, I could not find it. So there is no soul, there is no atma.” That become anatmavad. He said everything is hollow and empty. There is no soul, there is no person, no ...
  9. How to increase intelligence and how to be more creative?

    To increase intelligence, you need to observe some silence. Silence is the mother of all invention. Silence is the basis of intelligence. Take out few moments and observe some silence. Time to time, silence will increase all our ability. Our senses will be ...