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  1. How does one get over past childhood problems?

    It’s already gone. If you think it is still in the mind, then rub it off. De-link the pain from the memory. But if you put effort in trying to do that, you bring the memory back. However, in meditation you feel the pain as a sensation and not as connected ...
  2. Are thoughts internal or external?

    Thoughts are in the mind. The mind is all around you, both inside and out. ...
  3. How do you know if an answer is coming from within or from the irrational mind?

    There is no criterion. The calmer and serene the mind is, the right answer will come to you. ...
  4. Is genetically modified food really dangerous?

    The scientists, who are not employed by these companies, will tell you. The scientists who are not employee of these seed companies can give you the right opinion. ...
  5. What are effects of Past life karma on the present life? I feel I have done sins in past.

    Don’t waste your energy thinking too much on past life karmas. Use your energy to come out of the present problems. ‘Om Namah Shivaye’ mantra, pranayama, Satsang.. – All these take care of your previous karmas. Surrender all your ...
  6. Gurudev, can you see the aura of other people?

    Is this a big deal? You can also see. ...
  7. How do we know that our past karmas have been burnt?

    Just assume it. Just like assuming, 'I am free' makes one free. Believing that past karma has been burnt makes it so. ...
  8. How does one handle fear of death?

    If you isolate and think only of yourself then you will have the fear of death. Once you are in service, there is no fear of death. Terrorists are committed to something so they are not afraid of life or death. If you want to do good for others, your co ...