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What is the relation between silence and prayer?
Silence is the best form of prayer. Often prayer is in some language – German, Hindi, English, Spanish. In fact, they all mean the same. But silence is one step further, one step beyond the barriers of language which the whole universe can understand. Natu ... -
How to increase our competence to receive knowledge?
Just have thirst, it comes naturally. There is no special competence required, a mere thirst is enough. ... -
Do you feel Ayurveda is the most comprehensive of traditional healthcare systems and could you explain what Ayurveda is as well?
Ayurvedic medicines have been proven to be have no side effects at all and have been practiced for thousands of years. So I feel we have to take the diagnostic systems from allopathy and there are other modern gadgets we have to use. But as far as treat ... -
In my country most people are of opinion that you can’t raise a child without non- vegetarian diet for in that case body will lack in amino acids and brain won’t function properly. What should I do?
Ample research has been done to the contrary of this theory. Look into that. There are millions of people who are vegetarian in the west and they are very brilliant. In fact most of the genius people in west including Einstein were vegetarian. Many of t ... -
What are the differences between various religions?
Religion has three components: symbols, customs and traditions, and values. There is no difference as far as values are concerned, because all talk about oneness. Customs and symbols are all very different; they have to be. This is what makes the wo ... -
How much difference is there between science and spirituality? Why do not some scientists believe in spirituality?
Evolved scientists surely believe in spirituality. Those who are not yet fully evolved may not believe in spirituality. Einstein was startled after reading Bhagwad Gita. If you hear a quantum physicist talking, you will feel as if the text is being quot ... -
Is it possible to become like a child again and to rekindle that positive vibration around us?
It is possible. The secret lies in our own breath. Through breathing exercises, certain breathing techniques and some practice of meditation, we can rekindle positive vibrations within and around us. Are you aware that sometimes for no reasons you feel ... -
As a young person I look forward to growing old. Yet one of my greatest fears is some of the mental illnesses which afflict the elderly. Is it possible for the human condition to transcend such illnesses? If so, what are the steps one should take to master them?
You are doing the right thing already - This knowledge, this path, yoga. As you keep growing older, keep practicing yoga, take proper food, proper rest, and adopt proper attitude in life. ... -
I heard you say this and I also strongly believe God is everywhere. How important is it to do Puja, or go to a pilgrimage place like Rishikesh, or take a bath in sacred places?
It's like you have food at home and sometimes, once in a while, you go to a restaurant also. You don’t go to a restaurant because you don’t have food at home. Everything is everywhere and you enjoy the flavors equally. ...