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  1. Between karma and good luck, which is more important? Does our karma play any role in deciding one’s luck?

    When you are in front of the television, do you listen to the voice first or watch the screen? They happen simultaneously, isn’t it? In the same way, both karma and luck are important. When we perform appropriate actions, then we become fortunate. ...
  2. What is role of service in order to have inner contentment? Does serving others help in neutralizing one’s karma bank?

    You know, we should have a goal in life. My goal is to bring happiness to more and more people. If we sit and keep thinking of ourselves all the time, we’ll be depressed. We should see, ‘How can I be of service? How can I be of use to others ...
  3. What is the relationship between Seeker, Guru and the Divine?

    The beginning, middle and end of a same line. It is the seed, the plant and the tree. ...
  4. Where do negative thoughts come from? If they come in me, does that mean I am negative or bad? I refocus on thoughts again and again, but they come back. I judge them, I don’t like them and I think about judgment, but I am not able to get rid of those? What should I do?

    Now, there is a problem. You chase them and they come to you multiplied. Just give them a tight hug and you will suddenly find they have disappeared. They are scared of your hug, but they are fond of you chasing them. So, they come back again for you to ch ...
  5. when there is love, why suffering is also there in a relationship?

    Love with wisdom is bliss. Love without knowledge or wisdom is pain. Why is there pain in love? That is what you are wondering or questioning about! It is not love which is giving you pain. If it is just purely love, that means you just care for someone, y ...
  6. Can you please tell how does one get rid of doubt?

    You know, doubt is always about something positive. You always doubt the honesty of a person and never the dishonesty. When someone tells you, "I love you", you ask, “really?” When someone tells you, “I hate you”, you n ...
  7. Beloved Guruji, I have been practicing to give a percentage of my income to uplift the society for the last twenty years. Would you please elaborate on the idea and power of charity as a spiritual practice? Love and Gratitude!

    Ya ya, giving something back to the society is very important. You know, there is a proverb that says, “Rice is purified by a drop of ghee on it, the money is purified with charity”. Rice or any food, starch or carbohydrates quickly gets digested, but it t ...
  8. Is money a prior requirement in order to feel happy?

    There is no doubt that you need some money for your day to day survival. But, money cannot buy you happiness. It’s knowledge or wisdom that brings you happiness. ...
  9. What is the place of thought in a free mind?

    Where does thought come from? It comes from a free mind or an un-free mind? Thoughts are not free. So, you have answered the question. Free your mind of thoughts for a few moments. When astonished, shocked, in deep love, samadhi, meditation or deep sleep, ...
  10. I have lost my trust, how can I regain it?

    Don’t make an effort to regain it. Listen to your heart. Trust can never be lost. Doubt as much as possible, but truth always stands up to the doubt. Truth is so strong that doubt cannot destroy it. So, it is good to doubt. And the trust which mov ...