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  1. Striving for a peaceful world through Yoga

    Leading Yoga Gurus come together for a World Yoga Day Bangalore. December 5. 2011: With ‘World peace’ on their minds at the International Yoga Summit, Yoga Gurus of leading lineages deliberated on using Yoga as a tool to bring inner harmony thus creating a ...
  2. The Art of Living to Host International Yoga Summit

    The Art of Living and SVYASA Yoga University, Bengaluru, jointly with Yoga Portuguese Confederation of Lisbon, Portugal, is organizing an International Yoga Summit titled, Yoga: A Science for World Peace on Dec 4th & 5th, 2011, at The Art of living Int ...
  3. Sri Sri gives tips to nurture young minds

    800 principals gather to listen to the Spiritual GuruDelhi, November 28, 2011: Grooming the young minds is not an easy task – but it was made simple for 800 principals by The Art of Living Founder, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in the capital on Monday. The ...
  4. How to Meditate Into Higher States of Consciousness

    We live most of our life through three states of consciousness: waking, dreaming and sleeping. In the waking state of consciousness, we experience the world through the five senses. We seek elevation and joy from these senses. If any one of the senses is m ...
  5. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Mechanics of action

    The dynamics of how events happen is a big mystery. Only one who is 100% in doing can recognise the happening. The healthiest way to apply this knowledge is to see the whole past as happening and the present as doing. If you see the past as doing, then ego ...
  6. Spreading the message of peace

    Mukesh Vassen’s day job is as legal adviser to the Speaker of the House in Parliament. Any spare time is spent doing service, teaching Art of Living courses and the accompanying practice of Sudarshan Kriya (“kriya”, a breathing technique that cleanses and ...
  7. The Major of Chacao in Venezuela signs decree recognizing The Art of Living as promoter of peace

    The Major Graterón partners with The Art of LIving Foundation to promote peace in Caracas, Venezuela Chacao, Sept. 29: With the objective of reducing the levels of stress and violence in the population, Emilio Graterón, mayor of Chacao, signed a decree dec ...
  8. Let your spirit soar

    Guruji's answer is that we need to fight our own demon: our own fear, inertia, or negative emotion. The long-term remedy for terrorism is multi-faith education, says Guruji; teaching students a little bit of the wisdom of each tradition will go a long way ...
  9. Lack of Spirituality Causes Corruption: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    The lack of spirituality more than religiosity was the root cause of corruption, according to spiritual Gurudev  Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, who is in the city for satsangs, poojas and to meet corporates, spoke with the media at the ...
  10. 70,000 Ambassadors for Peace follow Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    It started with a vision: a vision of peaceful co-existence in a stress- free and non-violent world for people of all backgrounds. That was 30 years ago when Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Bangalore, India, founded The Art of Living, a humanitarian NGO th ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More