
Search results

  1. Better Memory

    Indian Actress and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Meditation improves concentration. As an actor I have to remember my lines, my speeches so better concentration helps the memory. By being calm, I make less mistakes. ...
  2. The Youth Empowerment Seminar (YES!)

    Joy Peaceful Dynamism Exuberance Peer pressure is very demanding. So are exams, parents, relationships, sports and entrance tests. So how can you cope with everything? The YES program empowers you physically- through simple yogasanas; mentally and emotion ...
  3. Roles & Challenges of the stakeholders

    Roles & Challenges of the stakeholders- The ideas and methodology change to meet the information age, the role of the stakeholders also changes. The challenges faced by each of the stakeholder are: Teachers Compete for attention of students Complete a ...
  4. A Better Planner

    Bollywood filmmaker As I am in the film line, I visualize and think of my day. Meditation just helps me center myself on how to plan ahead and conduct myself at work. ...
  5. Naturally Enthusiastic

    Content Writer After becoming a meditator, I live with full enthusiasm and also with a cause of being happy and make other people happy. And that happiness comes naturally from a calm mind. ...
  6. Enhanced Creativity

    Entrepreneur & Entertainer, Mumbai "Sudarshan Kriya has brought lot of enthusiasm and confidence in me. Clarity and creativity has improved a lot." ...
  7. Improved Sleep

    Student, Orissa, India The problems such as bad dreams, disturbed sleep and feeling no energy after waking up were just washed away post Sudarshan Kriya. ...
  8. Inner Strength

    Assistant Legal Manager, ITC Limited Sudarshan Kriya has helped me cope with academic, social and emotional challenges in an extremely competitive environment with a smile. ...
  9. The Art of Living Part 2 Course

    Rest in your Infinite Nature The Art of Living Part 2 Course usually offered in residence and for a minimum of 4 days, provides optimal conditions for going deep within, quieting our mental chatter, and experiencing profound rest and inner silence. This c ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More