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Yoga for Gamers
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy – this is a phrase we all have heard growing up. While the essence of this phrase was to emphasize on having a fine balance between working and enjoying your life, some might feel otherwise. For a select few, pla ... -
Anti-aging yoga tips to feel younger
Aging is an inevitable natural happening. For the curious ones who want to know how to stay young, consider the practice of yoga, meditation, and ayurveda. These are the natural ways to maintain the health of the body. Here are some anti-aging tips from t ... -
Cupid’s Struck my Yoga Mat!!
Valentine’s Day is back! For some it’s a pressure test, for others it’s about butterflies, for a few it’s about expressions and the rest just flow with the feeling! We are breaking the monotone this Valentine’s and making it adventurous! Breaking the ice ... -
5 Common Mistakes Yoga Beginners Make
There is no doubt that practicing yoga is a great idea—not only for your physical body but also for your mental health and overall vitality. However, as beginners to this ancient yet currently trendy practice, one tends to make some major mistakes. The ke ... -
CrossFit Better With Yoga
Gym workout is passé. CrossFit is in. If you are clueless about what CrossFit stands for, it's a fitness program started more than a decade ago in USA and is now practiced by millions around the world. CrossFit works on the principle of mixing high i ... -
6 Yoga Poses for Dancers
In India, the ancient life science of Yoga and the art form of dance have been intertwined for centuries. The practice of Yoga brings about stability, poise and balance in body, mind, and spirit. Similarly, the elegant, ... -
Sparkling eyes for Facebook users
Spending hours on your laptop does not probably leave you enough time to take care of that precious face of yours, which practically talks more about you than Facebook! They say, "Your eyes are the window of your soul!" How much effort do we put ... -
Energy enhancing Yoga
Does your routine day involve traveling to work, staring at the computer screen for hours, being stuck in traffic jam on the way back home and feeling too exhausted at the end of the day to spend time with your loved ones? Are you unable to pursue your ho ... -
Get the Winning Edge with Athletic Yoga
I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeeded."- M ... -
7 tips to improve your golf experience
The sheer love of conquering the vast green expanse with a couple of clubs and a passionate precision makes many of us give up the comfort of staying indoors on a cozy afternoon and head out to our local golf course for a game or two. The game of golf is ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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