The Art of Living begins another phase of the Kumudvathi Rejuevenation

August 19, 2013

Green cover of 1 lakh saplings to be planted at the river basin

The Art of Living under the aegis of Volunteer For A Better India launched 'Enhancing Green Cover' phase of the Kumudvathi River Rejuvenation Project on Sunday which envisages increasing the green cover by planting 1 lakh saplings in the river basin over a period of one year.

Launching this initiative, more than 700 saplings  of local varieties like atti ashwatha, ala, gone, nerale, halasu, maavu were planted by 800 volunteers on Sunday.

“Increased tree population along the river course will give twin benefits of soil erosion control as well as increase in soil moisture.  About 1000 trees in each of the village will increase the green cover and bring resultant benefits. Local varieties of trees, and those giving some income to the villagers will be propagated. Already 2,350 saplings have been planted  by volunteers and farmers in the basin.” Shared Dr. Lingaraju, Project Co-ordinator.

The ‘'Kumudvathi River Rejuvenation' plan is a 3-year program, envisaged under the 'Volunteer for a Better India' program, to revive this endangered waterway that could potentially address a part of Bangalore's water needs.

In the past four months, 5 water recharge well have been constructed in Srinvivasapura, Kerekattiganur, Kambalu, Soldevana Halli and Yentagana Halli. 74 Boulder Checks in first level stream of river have been constructed, 18 kalyanis [step wells ] have been cleaned, 2 Go Kuntes have been  rejuvenated and 2350 saplings have been planted in  7 villages.

The project volunteers are taking several other measures to promote environment sustainability. Numerous awareness sessions are being held for women and children in making the villages clean of plastic.  Health camps organised in the villages has been of help to women and children from the villages

Volunteers have been devoting their time every Sunday to volunteer at the catchment area to breathe life into the river. 

To volunteer or donate saplings for this project contact Mr. Prabhu 98453 77279