Discover the power of your breath with our transformative course, The Art of Breathing. This September, we're offering a special €45 discount so you can begin your journey of self-discovery and inner peace. Normally the course is €295, but now you only pay €250! Register by September 30th 2024, with the code AOB45sep and AOB45sep2 for online to experience a profound transformation in your well-being. Breathe your way to a stress-free life! The discount is only valid in September.

- Register between 1 and 30 September 2024
- The course takes place over 3 consecutive days
- No experience needed, accessible to everyone
- Attend the course before December 31, 2024
- Learn the SKY breathing technique
- Sessions of 3 hours each day


Code on location courses: AOB45sep
Code for online courses: AOB45sep2

Quickly and Effectively Reduce Stress

with the Power of Your Own Breath

The Art of Breathing course gives you expert training in a series of yogic breathing techniques which can reduce your stress, relieve anxiety and depression, and bring you back to a clear and positive state of mind.

Build Resilience

with Mind Mastery

Understanding the nature of the mind gives you a greater perspective on life. This enables you to not get bothered by issues that used to create frustration, impatience, worry, and more.

Make Meditation Easier

with Sudarshan Kriya

Tried meditation, but frustrated with your mind wandering? The central technique of The Meditation and Breath Workshop, Sudarshan Kriya, is a simple yet powerful breathing technique that effortlessly draws you into a deep state of meditation.

Relax Deeper

with Guided Yoga and Meditation

Enjoy our effortless approach ... Learn easy yoga poses you can incorporate into your day for greater health, focus, and relaxation. Unique guided meditations give you a glimpse of the beauty within.

  • “Life Changing”

  • “May be the fastest-growing spiritual practice on the planet”

  • “Like Fresh Air to

  • “Show promise in providing relief for depression”

Natural and effortless

The core of the Art of Breathing
is the famous Sudarshan Kriya™ (SKY),
a powerful breathing technique that you effortlessly
into a state of deep meditation.

More than 60 scientifically published studies
demonstrate that practicing the Sudarshan Kriya
has numerous beneficial effects on both
our physical and mental health.


September DEAL! 45 discount with code:

On location: AOB45sep
Online: AOB45sep2

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The full package

The Art of Breathing course exists of 3 sessions of 3 hours on 3 consequetive days, but that is not all. There are daily breathing sessions through zoom available for all those who finished the Art of Breathing course. There are also weekly follow-up sessions to discuss progress with our accredited teachers. Beyond that, our teachers are always available for questions and advice.

The benefits are immediate, tangible, and cumulative, and the practice itself is relaxing and enjoyable. Welcome inner peace!

Welcome Inner Peace

Discover the Power of Art of Living's
Evidence-Based Practices

From reducing stress to getting better rest, these techniques have a demonstrated measurable impact on quality of life.

100+ independent studies
on Sudarshan Kriya

Over 100 independent studies conducted on four continents and published in peer review journals, have demonstrated a comprehensive range of benefits from practicing Sudarshan Kriya™ and related breathing exercises taught on the Meditation and Breath Workshop.

Research Result Key Findingsn
Deep Sleep and Wellbeing Increase


About Art of Living

41 years of service to society
10.000+ centers worldwide
180 countries where our programmes made a difference
450M+ lives touched through our courses and events

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