Build a Positive Habit
Follow Ups are for participants who have learnt the Sudarshan Kriya practice on the Meditation and Breath Workshop (formerly known as the Happiness Programme) and allow the participant to reinforce their practice.
Led by an Art of Living instructor, the participants are guided through the practice with fellow practitioners and are given the chance to refresh the techniques and wisdom learnt on the Meditation and Breath Workshop.
Restore your inner peace, reclaim good sleep, and release your stress as you dive back into the evidence-based technique that’s uplifted the lives of millions across the globe.
- Refresh the techniques learnt on the Meditation and Breath Workshop and learn new tips
- Connect with like-minded people
- Discuss practical wisdom to enhance peace of mind
- Take time out for You
- Enjoy the company of a positive, spiritual community
Whether it’s been a few months or a few years, there’s no better time than NOW to reconnect with your Sudarshan Kriya practice.
Life Happens, and It Can Be So Hard to Keep Up With Everything
When you can’t even find the time to answer your emails, or cook all of your meals—how can you find the time to sit quietly...and just breathe?
Well, you’ve already experienced the Sudarshan Kriya breathing technique and you know that your practice time is the true high time in your day. This technique can restore your calm and bring you back to inner peace—instantly, even amidst the daily chaos.
There is no better time than now to reconnect with your inner stillness through the powerful rhythms of your breath.
Modern science is finally catching up!
Independent studies
on SKY Breath Meditation (SK&P)
The ancient sages have known for thousands of years that the breath is your secret ingredient to good health, long lasting joy, and true inner peace.
Backed by 100+ studies with research conducted across four continents, SKY is making new waves in peer-reviewed journals worldwide.
From Yale students, to Manhattan CEOS, to rural farmers, and Google Employees...
SKY is the breathing technique of our times - because it works.
And science is proving it!

Deep Sleep
Per Night

Reduced Stress
bio-marker levels cortizol & blood lactate by over

of individuals for whom medication and psychoterapy treatments had failed.

Immune System
Beneficial changes in our DNA which support an increased life span of white blood cells - our immunity cells.
James Nestor, New York Times best selling author
talks about SKY(Sudarshan Kriya)