Sri Sri Yoga - Recharge, Strengthen, and Awaken your True self.
What is Sri Sri Yoga ?
Sri Sri Yoga is a discipline, both gentle and powerful, that integrates elements from the different paths of yoga, especially Hatha yoga, uniting the body, mind and breath in awareness. Here the wisdom and techniques of yoga are brought to you in a joyful and thorough manner, and covers a vast range from breathing techniques to various body postures (asanas) to knowledge and guided meditations. Sri Sri Yoga goes beyond the physical body and helps you sharpen your sensitivity towards more subtle levels of existence, leading to a full blossoming of the human potential.
What Is In Sri Sri Yoga Retreat For You ?
In Sri sri Yoga Retreat, Sri Sri Yoga Programs have been designed by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar for the well-being of the body while nurturing your mind and spirit. Whether you are a beginner to yoga or a regular practitioner wanting to dive deeper into yoga practice, you will find something for yourself in Sri Sri Yoga Retreat Program. Yoga is not just doing some body-twisting postures – it is experiencing the union of the body, mind and breath – and Sri Sri Yoga gives you that experience. Ideal for beginners as well as advanced practitioners who would like to enrich their physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
The practice of yoga has been known for centuries to produce benefits in the areas of heath, mental clarity and spiritual connection. The Sri Sri Yoga not only offers the benefits of traditional asanas (postures), but pranayama (breathing techniques) and special meditations as well.
In Sri Sri Yoga Retreat, during the Sri Sri Yoga course that is taught in 10 hours spread over the weekend, certified teachers will train you to successfully practice these techniques at home so that every facet of your life will continue to improve.
This Retreat is ideal for all levels of yoga enthusiasts from absolute beginners to advanced practitioners. A complete experience, Sri Sri Yoga will leave you feeling rejuvenated inside and out like no other yoga Retreat can !