Towards a stress-free South America

September 05, 2012

Continuing with his tour through Latin America, he was received by thousands in Aeroparque, City of Buenos Aires

Sep 5, Argentina: Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, The Art of Living Foundation arrived in Argentina and was received by more than 2000 people that gathered in the Air Force Sector of Aeroparque, City of Buenos Aires.“ I am very honored to be in this country, with such happy and vibrant people. We are here to generate waves of peace and harmony in society ”, he said to the press at a press conference. A surprise choir performance of 250 Art of Living volunteers sang the Ode to Joy in his honor. After meeting his followers, he departed to his hotel where he will be staying for a week.

His visit includes a massive meditation at Siglo XXI University on September 5. “The Planet Meditates, the meditation that I will guide on September 9, will create a positive vibration. It will be a surprise for everybody. Come, you will not regret it”, he promised the media. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was accompanied by his sister, Bhanumathi Narasimhan, Director, Women Empowerment and Child-Care Projects, Art of Living, who will be in Buenos Aires until September 10.

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