Grand Symphony for World Peace - Brahm Naad

21 nov 2008 to 22 nov 2008

The Art of Living hosted 'Brahm Naad', where 1,200 sitarists performed together on one platform, in a first-of-its-kind concert in Delhi, India. HH Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 's vision behind the two-day programme was to popularise India classical music and re-enforce the power of music in spreading peace and message. The sitarists came from different religions, castes and sections of society from India and various parts of the world. The diverse group included artists ranging from 6 -70 years of age, including visually challenged sitarists, child prodigies, young students from renowned schools of classical music and senior practitioners. HH Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said: "Music connects the individual to the universal spirit. Music is that rhythm and harmony that flows from the universal to the individual; from the cosmos to the finite."

Slated to find its way into the Guiness Book of World records, the proceeds from Brahm Naad are dedicated to the relief and rehabilitation of flood-ravaged Bihar.

At the event, HH Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was felicitated by Live Earth, which has been founded by Kevin Wall, in partnership with former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore, to highlight the notable work done by the Art of Living for the 'Mission Green Earth Stand Up Take Action 2008' ¨C a project which envisages the plantation and nurturing of 100 million saplings, across the globe, to help reduce global warming. The evening also saw a pledge by the audience in support of the Art of Living's anti-tobacco campaign which is being supported by the Ministry of Health and WHO.

Present, among the audience, were eminent dignitaries including Ms. Ambika Soni, Ministry of Tourism & Culture, Pt. Shiv Kumar Sharma (Santoor exponent), Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia, Raja and Radha Reddy (renowned Kuchipudi dancers) and Ms. Erika Mann, Member of European Parliament, among others. Speaking at the programme, Pt. Shiv Kumar Sharma said, "This is a miracle happening. This has been possible due to the blessings of HH Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar . I am privileged to be here."

In Depth

  • Symphony 1
  • Symphony 2
  • Symphony 3
  • A Grand Symphony of Classical String Instrument in Noida - Daily India
  • 1,000 sitarists Perform for World Peace
  • Panoramic View from the Stage
  • 'Inner silence & inner music give the mind peace & strength to the body' ~ HH Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Speaks
  • NEWS VIDEO: 1000 Sitarists for Brahm Naad - NDTV