International Center Bangalore Ashram
25 mei 2012 to 8 jun 2012

May 25th - June 8th: A journey filled with celebration, silence, knowledge, meditation & service.

"Life is enthusiasm,life is joy,life is love" - Gurudev

Download Punarnava Summer Brochure

Ruhani Kirtan with Sant Anoop Singhji :

Sant Anoop Singhji is a well renowned Sikh Saint, Scholar & a Religious Singer. Santji belongs to the "sewa panthi sampardaye " and was raised under the teachings of Guru Granth Sahibji by Sant Baba Satnam Singhji since the age of 9. He was handed over the sewa of Una Sahib Dera( which is in Himacahal Pradesh, India, is about 200 year old Dera), at a very young age of 16, hence more popularly known as Sant Anoop Singhji, Una Sahib Wale. Santji's name is synonymous with "SEWA" and "SIMRAN".
Sant Anoop Singhji would be facilitating Punarnava Summer's 'Ruhani Kirtan' on May 31st 2012. It would a beautiful fusion with both His Holiness Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji (Guruji) and Santji being present to adorn and bless this heavenly event.
Punarnava Summer

Punarnava Part I

Punarnava Part I + Nadi Pareeksha + Healing Yoga+Ashtavakra Gita (25 May to 27 May,2012) reporting 24 May,2012; departure on 28 May,2012.

Punarnava DSN

Punarnava DSN + Nadi Pareeksha+Ashtavakra Gita+Ruhani Kirtan +Flavours of Summer (Food Festival) (28 May to 31 May, 2012), reporting 27 May,2012; departure on 1 June,2012.

Punarnava Part II

Punarnava Part II+ Nadi Pareeksha+Ashtavakra Gita+Ruhani Kirtan +Flavours of Summer (Food Festival) (1 June to 7 June,2012), reporting 31 May, 2012 before 3 pm ; departure on 8 June,2012.

Package Punarnava

Punarnava Part I+Punarnava DSN+Punarnava Part II + Nadi Pareeksha+Ashtavakra Gita+Ruhani Kirtan +Flavours of Summer (Food Festival)+ Abhyanga+ Healing Yoga (25 May to 8 June, 2012), reporting on 24 May 24; departure on 9 June,2012.

Package Paraakrama

Punarnava Part I+Punarnava DSN+ Nadi Pareeksha+Ashtavakra Gita+Ruhani Kirtan +Flavours of Summer (Food Festival)+ Healing Yoga (25 May to 31 May, 2012 ) reporting on 24 May, 2012; departure on 1 June, 2012.

Package Samriddh

Punarnava DSN+Punarnava Part II+ Nadi Pareeksha+Ashtavakra Gita+Ruhani Kirtan +Flavours of Summer (Food Festival)+ Abhyanga (28 May to 8 June, 2012), reporting on 27 May 2012; departure on 9 June, 2012.

Package Punya

Punarnava PartI+Punarnava Part 11+ Nadi Pareeksha+Ashtavakra Gita+Ruhani Kirtan+Flavours of Summer (Food Festival)+ Abhyanga+ Healing Yoga (25 May to 8 June,2012),reporting on 24 May; departure on 9 June, 2012. 

Engage Your Children

Punarnava Art Excel :

Punarnava Art Excel +Nadi Pareeksha
First option: 25 May till 27 May, 2012 (reporting 24 May, departure on 28 May, 2012)
Second option: 28 May till 30 May, 2012 (reporting 27 May, departure 31 May, 2012)
Third option : 1st June till 3rd June (Reporting 31st May before 3 pm, Departure 4th June) includes Nadi Pareeksha + 'Ruhani Kirtan'+Flavours of Summer

Punarnava YES! :

Punaranva YES! +Nadi Pareeksha
First option: 25 May to 27 May, 2012 (reporting on 24 May; departure on 28 May, 2012)
Second option: 28 May to 30 May 2012 (reporting on 27 May; departure on 31 May, 2012)
Third option : 1st June till 3rd June (Reporting 31st May before 3 pm, Departure 4th June) includes Nadi Pareeksha + 'Ruhani Kirtan'+Flavours of Summer

Punarnava YES!2 :

Punarnava YES!2 +Nadi Pareeksha+ Ruhani Kirtan + Flavours of Summer (31 May to 4 June, 2012) reporting on 30 May ; departure on 5 June, 2012.


A journey filled with celebration, silence, knowledge, sadhana & seva!


Talk to our Art of Living angels:
Arthi: + 91 9980555604
Kumaresan: + 91 9620649760
Ramya: + 91 9972235499

For online payment register through vvmvp.org in 3 simple steps:
1.Create a login
2.Fill in details after logging in
3.Pay through credit card/debit card to register yourself.

Follow Punarnava Summer on: Facebook: Artofliving Presents Punarnava Twitter: @AOLPunarnava


Guruji's Presence subjected to ongoing schedule.
Punarnava does not have a credit note facility; For registered participants, who cannot participate through the specified course/package can be transferred by the registered participant to another vide an authorization.