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  1. Nine Effective, Natural, Proven Ways to Heal Migraine Headaches (Part 3)

    This is continued from  Nine Effective, Natural, Proven Ways to Heal Migraine Headaches (Part 2) #7 Learn a few relaxation techniques this season One of the relaxation techniques that we can offer is the Sudarshan Kriya (SK), a unique breathing and relaxa ...
  2. Nine Effective, Natural, Proven Ways to Heal Migraine Headaches (Part 2)

    This is continued from Nine Effective, Natural, Proven Ways to Heal Migraine Headaches (Part 1) #3 Try a healthy diet Have you noticed your eating patterns lately? Do you stress more on a junk diet or do you prefer a healthy one. Did you know that the kin ...
  3. 8 effective natural remedies for a migraine

    A migraine is not just a normal headache. It is unbearably painful and debilitating. Sometimes, the pain is so severe that you cannot work, cannot rest, or you just cannot be. Just one single episode is crippling enough to make you want to put these heada ...
  4. Four Obstacles To Meditation

    There are four obstacles to meditation. This is in relation to the obstacles once we sit for meditation rather than the obstacles in sitting to meditate. 1. Iccha or Desire This means desire. It refers to the desire to do something and includes planning a ...
  5. Give Up In Your Meditation, Not On Your Meditation!

    "When I first started meditating, thirty-seven odd years ago, my mind was a mess. Many of my meditations were unrelenting "thinkitations". I probably would have stopped meditating if I hadn't liked my teacher a lot and if he wasn' ...
  6. 5 Important Soft Skills & How You Can Nurture Them (Part-2)

    This is a continuation from Important Soft Skills and How You Can Nurture Them Part-1 #3 Be Open Minded If there's one thing we cannot avoid, it is criticism. This is a universal truth, and so holds true for the professional space as well. There will ...
  7. How to improve your soft skills with meditation?

    Recently, a retail banker friend narrated an eye-opening experience she had with a new intern. The intern, a post graduate from a premium B-school had been employed with a reputed financial BPO. My friend was looking forward to working with her. However, ...
  8. Tips on how to become a Fashion Stylist

    Rachael Zoe once said, " Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak ". Styling isn't just a profession—it says a lot about who you are. For budding fashion stylists, the journey can be smooth or rocky. It is all about knowing ...
  9. Two Ways Of Letting Go – Meditation & Sleep

      Beginner meditators often feel that they are sleeping during their meditations when in fact they have entered the meditative state. This is quite natural because, until we are familiar with meditation, we associate deep relaxation mainly with sleep. Of ...
  10. Thinkitation & Meditation

    A good friend, Kate, mentioned to me when I was down at the Gold Coast at the start of the New Year that sometimes she has "thinkitations" instead of meditations and, being a seasoned meditator, is fine with that. If all your meditations are thi ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More