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  1. Hers: A silent evolution

    Enlightenment is a state where one is totally at ease with oneself. It is a state of relaxed awareness; an inner state transcending identities of faith, nationality or gender and beyond outer behaviour. All spiritual practices like yoga and meditation faci ...
  2. The Art of Living Macedonia Center's President Goran Popovski Honored With Silver Award

    To celebrate the International Volunteers Day on December 5, the Macedonia center established the National Volunteer Awards. The Silver Award went to Art of Living's Goran Poposvki. Click here to view the certificate. ...
  3. Yoga Raves Comes to Guernsey

    The ravers get their natural high at the indoor Cricket CenterGUERSNEY has experienced the first yoga rave. The concept was brought over by the Art of Living Foundation from France and is about experience a natural high without drugs and alcohol.Read more ...
  4. The International Art of Living Foundation and the World Forum for Ethics in Business donate € 5,000 to help Berlin helfen e.V.

    Staff members of ‘Berliner helfen e.V.’ and the Berlin City Mission on Friday morning gratefully received a check of 5000 Euros and five packages of winter clothes, sleeping bags and more which will support around 7000 homeless people in Germany’s capital. ...
  5. Sri Sri features among inspiring world leaders in Argentina

    Argentineans are now getting their dose of inspiration from our own Indian spirituality. The testimony of this fact can be seen from the report carried by the La Nacion, Argentina’s leading daily where spiritual leader, humanitarian and Art of Living found ...
  6. India leads in human values: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    “A complete human being is the one who adopts teamwork from Japanese, precision from Germans, marketing techniques from Americans and human values from Indians,” said renowned spiritual leader and founder of the Art of Living Foundation Gurudev Sri Sri Rav ...
  7. Strengthening a city’s spirit

    26/11, Mumbai Terror Attack, (November 2008) 26/11 remains a date etched in the psyche of many people. Many watched as forces turned two city hotels and a residential apartment block into killing fields. It was to be 48-hours before the terror attacks coul ...
  8. New life for ex-extremists

    Former militants find a new way of life with spiritual Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's guidance "My anger has now turned into a smile. Earlier, it was difficult imagining a normal life. Today, after coming to the Art of Living, I am leading a normal life. I ...
  9. 128 Manipuri militants undergo rehabilitation training

    Nearly 128 Manipuri militants underwent a 90-day intensive spiritual, behavioural and vocational rehabilitation training conducted by the Art of Living and its sister organisation, International Association for Human Values (IAHV) here. The militants from ...
  10. AOL unveils edu project for underprivileged children

    With the aim of bringing value-based education to the children residing in the slum areas of Bangalore, the Art of Living on Monday officially launched its 'Vidya Shilpa' project under the umbrella of the Divine Karnataka project (DKP). The project benefi ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More