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  1. Meditation experience: Ami Patel

    Being a good fashion stylist is about an ability to innovate in the moment and a passion to succeed. Meditation brought these qualities in me. It helps me shed unnecessary happenings that collect through the day and I’m fresh for new challenges. ...
  2. Meditation experience: Poonam Tandon

    I’m an artist. Earlier, I had a lot of inhibitions and was unable to express myself fully. Creativity needs freedom and meditation freed me. With regular practice, I saw myself really shining through and the true artist in me came out. ...
  3. Meditation experience: Prakash Padukone

    Former Indian Badminton Player, India Meditation has added value to all aspects of my daily life. Whether it is dealing with kids, driving, coaching, or attending functions, I’m able to concentrate and think better when I meditate. ...
  4. Meditation experience: Francisco Moreno Ocampo

    Faculty, Art of Living Meditation complements my singing. After I started meditating, I became more creative; playing guitar and singing became very natural and enjoyable for me. I feel that I can convey more through my singing now because I feel connecte ...
  5. Meditation experience: Dr. Nisha Manikanthan

    Daily practice of meditation has enriched my ability of cultivating compassion towards my patients, which is very essential for a doctor. This adds depth to my connection with them. ...
  6. Meditation experience: Zoran Imsiragic

    Graphic Software Expert, Serbia Meditation brought a big change in me. I now feel like a better person; I used to be very short-tempered but meditation has made me calmer. I’m more centered and see myself finding solutions to problems than blaming them. ...
  7. Meditation experience: Sahil Jagtiani

    Silence brings creativity. When I cannot think of lyrics, I meditate which brings clarity and words just flow! Creativity just takes over. ...
  8. Meditation experience: Krishi Koellner

    Meditating was like being in a washing machine- so many happy, new, weird, funny, upsetting, exciting situations would come up in life, but like clouds in the sky, I could see that all of them left me untouched. ...
  9. Meditation experience: Michael Fischman

    Author, United States A deep experience of peace and serenity that I get with meditation sets my mind’s tone and mood for the entire day. And this effect has grown through the years of my practice. ...
  10. Meditation experience: Srinivas Uppaluri

    An immediate impact of meditation has been on my work. The work that would normally take me several hours now gets completed in lesser time and that too without feeling very tired or stressed. ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More