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Brystkreft forskningsprosjekt ved Ullevål universitetssykehus
En forskningsstudie blir utført ved Kreftklinikken, Oslo Universitetssykehus Ullevål, og Universitetet i Oslo, Norge. Målgruppen er kvinner med brystkreft. Det er en randomisert, kontrollert studie med 60 pasienter i hver gruppe. Ved rekruttering blir pas ... -
Å undervise meditasjon
When the mind becomes free from agitation, becomes calm, serene and is at peace, meditation happens. By doing meditation, you can turn your body into a powerhouse by generating an inner source of energy. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Right from our child ... -
Yoga for mot ryggsmerter
Most people tend to suffer from lower or upper back pain. Barring a few cases of slipped disk, the majority tend to collect stress and tension, which results in week abdominal muscles and eventually, back pain. Regular yoga practice will go far in relievi ... -
Ofte stillte spørsmål om Sudarshan Kriya
Q: What happened in those 10 days in Shimoga? Gurudev: I just wanted to be in silence. There was an urge to do, to give something to the people. After 10 days, it happened. Q: Was there a breakthrough, an actual experience of enlightenment? Gurudev: No, ... -
Hvilken nytte gjør Sudarshan Kriya?
Reported benefits of regular practice of Sudarshan Kriya include: Physical health benefits of Sudarshan Kriya Reduces stress Improves health and well-being More energy Strengthens immune system Reduces cholesterol levels Mental health benefits of Sudars ... -
Sudarshan Kriya sin opprinnelse
Sudarshan Kriya came into being in 1980 in Shimoga, India when Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, now a leading humanitarian and a spiritual leader across the world, went into a ten-day period of silence. “I had already travelled around the world. I had taught ... -
Forskning rundt Sudarshan Kriya
Several independent research studies ( on the numerous mental and physical health benefits of the Sudarshan Kriya have been published in international peer-reviewed journals and confirm what participants commonly report. A number of re ... -
Sri Sri om Sudarshan Kriya
Nature is replete with various rhythms and cycles- day follows night, night follows day, seasons come and go. Similarly, there are biological rhythms to our bodies, minds and emotions. When these rhythms are in sync, we feel a sense of harmony and well-be ... -
Kurs med Sri Sri Ravi Shankar i Norge
En mulighet av de sjeldne! En mulighet av de sjeldne! Kurshotellet ligger svært sentralt og lett tilgjengelig Kurshotellet ligger svært sentralt og lett tilgjengelig.. i kort gangavstand til natur- og friluftsområde... i kort gangavstand til natur- og fri ...