Gurudev, what is stronger, mind, body or soul? How can I use these three in a good way?
The soul has its own strength, the mind has its own strength and the body has its own position. Everything has its own strength. Keep the three balanced in their own respect. <br>
Just today, there was a youth who hadn't eaten since morning and was sitting here, thinking that Gurudev is meeting so many people, he's so busy, I will not eat till I meet him. How will it work if you do this? You shouldn't do this. <br>
You should take care of the body the way it has to be taken care of. Do exercise and eat on time.
We are busy with something or the other, I always say this β you should eat on time. Otherwise it is an extra burden for me, I will have to take care of this also β whether you have eaten on time or not. Don't do this, be self sufficient. Eat on time and then engage in your work. Eating on time, exercising on time, doing <i>sadhana</i> on time β keeping the body healthy β this is essential.
<p>For the strengthening of the mind, there is knowledge. Listen to knowledge again and again. <br>
Being engrossed in our day-to-day duties and work, meeting people, etc., gives rise to many thoughts in the mind. The mind is troubled. Cravings, aversions, envy, greed, temptations β many different things bog the mind down. So keeping the mind clear every single day is important β the way you brush your teeth once or twice every day, you take a bath every day, in the same way, every day we must read or listen to some knowledge. Then the mind and intellect stays pure. </p>
<p>You keep blaming the mind; why don't you remember of death? You are going to die one day! Just by the thought of death, the disorders of the mind go away. The minute you realize that life is momentary, the mind becomes happy. <b><i>Life is fleeting, we will live for a few days and bear whatever difficulties there are. And whatever good work is there to be done, we will do that and go</b></i>.<br>
We have not come here to sit idle. We have come in this world to do something, and we will do it! This feeling should arise. <br>
If we keep ourselves busy in doing something or the other, then also the worries of the mind reduce. </p>
<p>Okay, then how do we strengthen the soul? The soul is already strong! And with this confidence that God is mine, the strength of the soul increases. <b><i>Whatever will happen will be good for me β this kind of strong determination is necessary</b></i>.<br>
Things will be good for me always. If something is not working today, then something better is in store; that is why it is not happening now β this surety should be in our mind. </p>
<p>And then this place (the ashram) is always there, you come whenever you feel like. Whenever you are sad come here and engage in service. <br>
<i>Daas kabhi udaas nahi hote</i> (one who serves is never unhappy). When the strength increases within you, when the petrol is filled in your tank, then you can drive your car in the world! When it begins to empty then come back here! <br>
The body is a vehicle after all, isn't it? The body has been called a <i>ratha</i> (chariot) in all the <i>shastras</i> (scriptures). The mind is the <i>sarathi</i> (charioteer), and the soul is the passenger. </p>