Service & Yoga Fellowship
2-12 Month Opportunities
"We come to realize that the true measure of our lives is not how much we have gained for ourselves, but how much we have given." – Gurudev
For those interested in integrating yoga and service,
inner discovery and the outer offering of skill and time,
the Internation Center for Meditation and Well-Being invites you to apply for …
the Service and Yoga Fellowship!
Expand your mind. Challenge your concepts. Find the freedom promised in seva or selfless service. For applicants interested in living in an atmosphere of inquiry and natural splendor, we invite you to strengthen your spirit of service while making a difference at the Art of Living Retreat Center. Volunteers play a key role in the center’s goal of providing a retreat center for guests to rest, rejuvenate, learn and grow in a community of celebration and diversity.
Service Opportunities
Volunteers contribute at least 35 hours of service per week in the following fields:
- Guest Services
- Program Coordinator
- Facilities and Grounds
- House-keeping
- Content Development
- Outreach
- Culinary Assistance and Dining Services
- Trails and Forestry
- Organic Farm and Garden
- Spa Therapy
While not doing service, volunteers engage in other great activities like:
- Adventurous Hiking
- Music
- Movie Night
- Knowledge Discussions
A sample of the daily schedule is available below. Participation in the schedule is a challenge, yet rewarding. Participants follow the schedule during their period of service to maximize their experience here.
Inward Bound
After successfully completing 2 months of the program, graduates can join in an Art of Living Part 2 course. The Part 2 fees for this course are waived for those who complete the 2 month period. Also, the Art of Meditation retreat is available at a discounted rate to participants new to meditation.
Housing & Food:
Housing and Food are provided. Housing is shared in single-sex rooms in private rooms with bathrooms. The center provides a wholesome diet of plant-based, vegetarian cuisine. If you have specific allergies, please e-mail us with your application.
The Center offers the chance to serve in a unique, inspirational environment that also offers a perfect setting to look deeper into one’s life.
Application Process:
Please apply though the online application form here. A one-time application fee of $35 may be made here.
An interview will be scheduled with a program lead during the initial period of your service to review whether the program is a good fit for you and the community, after which point a participant will be invited to extend their stay. Permanent positions will be reviewed on an individual basis.
Applications will be reviewed in the order they are received. Preference will be given to applications on a first come, first-reviewed basis, with preference given to those who can commit for longer periods. A minimum period of 2 months is requested. Please expect a reply within seven working days.
Typical Daily Schedule
for Service and Yoga Fellows
6:30 Group Yoga and Meditation
8:00 Breakfast
9:30 Work Meeting/Work
12:30pm Meditation
1:00 Lunch
1:45 Work
5:00 Break
6:00 Kirtan and Meditation
7:15 Dinner
Wisdom Series are TBD. During the summer session, some joined once a week, while others watched the Ashtavakra series as a group nightly.
Fellows are asked to attend morning and evening group practice to maximize the center experience, Wednesday through Monday morning.
Some duties start and end at different timings. Other duties have a different rotation of on and off days, such as 3 day on and 1 off.
Interns have one full day off from the schedule (usually Tuesday).
Questions? Please see the FAQs document and call us at (800) 392-6870.