Gurudev, why do we have a VIP table in the ashram? Why a few people can serve themselves as much as they want without thinking about the others.
Don't get into these small things. Why someone is sitting in a chair? Then tomorrow you will ask me, why are you sitting in a sofa so high? (laughter in the audience). I'll have to give you an explanation that I am sitting here because I can see all of you, or all of you can see me. We should not get into these small nitty-grittiness — why somebody has a label, why somebody does not have a label? Why everybody is not putting on the same-size military dress? These sort of questions are irrelevant. Put your mind in knowledge. You are here for a greater cause. Don't let small dust sit in your eyes. There is an abundance here of everything. Whatever you want, you have it, take it. It’s your home, feel at home. It’s for you to feel at home. Don't expect someone else to come and make you feel at home.