
Annapurna (Ashram Kitchen)

Interesting Figures

  • Meals served per day: More than 20,000
  • Meals served per month: 7,00,000
  • Meals served per year: 8,400,000 (8.4 million)

In response to the growth of the organization, Annapurna, the new dining hall and kitchen was opened in October 2004. The new kitchen has three floors, each floor with an area of 25,000 sq feet. While the old kitchen catered to 500 people, the new kitchen has the capacity to feed 60,000 people per day.

The main dining hall is situated on the ground floor of the building. On a normal day, the kitchen serves over 20000 people, including course/conference participants and ashram residents. The kitchen is run entirely by volunteers, the food is prepared by over 30 full time sevaks (volunteers). Managing the kitchen is an enormous task; hence the kitchen follows the policy of Swayam Seva (self help) wherever possible. This practice nurtures a sense of respect for others and self-reliance for the individual.

The food is Sattvic (food that induces a calm mind) and cooked with steam produced from environmentally-friendly boilers using briquettes (a type of fuel that is made from a mixture of sawdust, groundnut and coffee shells).The Wheat and Bajra flour used to cook chapattis (unleavened bread) is ground on the premises, in a mill owned and operated by the ashram.

Cafe Vishala & Bistro

Cafe Vishala & Bistro serves vegetarian snacks: Indian fast food, sandwiches, pasta, ice cream, canned juices and bottled soft drinks. They are a cool place to hang out any time during the day or after an evening of Satsang. Adjoining the cafe is the Juice Center which serves fresh juice made of fruit, handpicked from the Ashram orchards.

Cafe Vishala Hours: Mon-Sun: 8:00 am to 10:00 pm

Juice Center hours: Mon-Sun: 8:00 am to 10:00 pm

Food Stall (Near Reception)

There is another food stall near the new ashram reception at the main entrance, The stall offers a variety of fresh fruits, juices, snacks, ice creams and beverages.

Hours: Mon-Sun: 8:30 am to 10:00 pm