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How to get rid of karma through meditation
What does karma mean? The literal meaning of karma is action. It is said, strange are the ways of karma. The more you understand it, the more amazed you become. It brings people together and also separates them. It causes some to be weak and some to be st ... -
Make Yourself Beautiful Inside Out
In conversation With Ami Patel... Celebrity Stylist, former Fashion Director, L’Officiel India, and Creative Director, Harper’s Bazaar India, Ami is experienced in all aspects of fashion styling, her work spanning from editorial, print, and TV, to celebri ... -
11 Essential Tips To Beat Stress At Workplace-3
Continued from Tips to Beat Stress at the Workplace- 2 Way #9 Avoid Procrastinating Work At some point or the other, we all end up procrastinating things. It’s fine if it happens once in a while, but if you notice yourself doing it more often than ever, y ... -
Revolution For Inner Peace
53-year-old Peter Mittermuller is an environmental engineer by profession. He wanted to save the environment from global warming. But he soon realized that in order to save the environment outside, we first need to save another environment inside us that ... -
Meditation And Time Management
Finish Your Tasks Faster A few minutes of meditation helps us stay focused and calm. The result: we are able to concentrate better and work efficiently. If a task took six hours earlier, you may now be able to complete it in just three! Brings Mind To NOW ... -
Top 10 Tips To Beat Stress At Workplace (Part 2)
Continued from Top 10 Tips to Beat Stress at the Workplace- 1 From self-management in the previous article, let us now move on to learn four interesting tips on work-management. Here they are… Way #5 Schedule Your Day Have you observed that sometimes, wit ... -
Meditation: The Perfect Recipe For An Amazing Life
Having been brought up in United States, she had seen most people having a fast-paced, stressful, somewhat superficial life. She felt the need to slow down a little and delve more deeply into life, to go beneath the surface, and that’s when she discovered ... -
9 Exclusive Ways To Becoming A Smart Shopper
Who doesn’t feel the need to shop? Stores stand tall because we alone cannot meet all our needs; we depend on them. The whole mechanism works perfectly fine as long as we know what to buy and when to buy. But how often are we aware of this? Shopaholics in ... -
Invaluable Parenting Guide
Just born: A New Bud This is a stage where your baby cannot communicate with you through words. have to be extra sensitive and use your intuitive skills to understand the needs of your baby. With daily practice of meditation, your intuitive ability blosso ... -
Tips To Beat Stress At The Workplace
If the mere thought of another busy day at the office saps you of energy, all you need is few tips to manage the stress and get the best out of it! You can make stress management child’s play with these powerful yet quick and easy-to-practice tools and co ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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