Pay-off # 1: Stress free mind and body
Too stressed to meditate? Meditation acts on the subtler levels of your consciousness and relieves any accumulated stress while shielding you from more stress that might accumulate. This makes you anchored in the Self - unaffected by the extreme weathers of life. And you are effortlessly happy for most part of the day. Only a little effort of sitting down to meditate is required.

Pay-off # 2: Strength of personality
Meditation protects you from not just the external storms in life, but also from the ones inside by making you stronger than before – emotionally, physically, psychologically and intellectually. It gives you a say over your mind and emotions.
With the do-it-anywhere tool of meditation, you can now be assured that nothing can put you off track. This way, meditation helps you maintain your composure and life becomes an easy bicycle ride – balancing everything while surging ahead.

Pay-off # 3: Lightness of your presence
How would it be if every person you come across couldn’t help smiling just because of the lightness of your presence? Not only will your daily dose of meditation light up your day, but it will also bring joy to others. And such people are always a pleasure to have around.

Pay-off #4: Food for the soul
Meditation is more than just a breath-in breathe-out exercise. It is a conscious inhalation of vitality, health and happiness and a conscious exhalation of misery, sorrow and illness – the perfect package for the mind, body and soul. A dip into meditation can then be more revitalizing than a sip of coffee.
Meditation not just keeps your body in shape but also helps your mind and the nervous system – increasing your alertness, improving your perception and bringing more clarity in everything you do. It improves the way you interact with people and all this sets the path for a health body and social life. It is sometimes good to be guided into meditation by a meditation expert