Just suffered a Job loss and feeling shattered? Ask yourself how long do you want to continue feeling that way? Why not put an end to it and gear up to the challenge life has thrown at you?
Here are a few things that you can do.

Bring Meditation into your routine
Regular practice of meditation will help you a lot in dealing with your emotions. You can start by meditating once a day, anytime that is comfortable. You can see some tips that can help you get started with meditation. You can also meditate on a free Guided Meditationfor your ease.

Use this time for reflection
Now use this time to reflect, not regret. What were those few things that have brought you here? Can you rectify your mistakes? If "yes", don’t wait to change what you can! If your answer is "no", there is no point regretting. It is time to move on with courage.
With meditation, you will create an atmosphere of positivity around and inside yourself. It will help dispel negative thoughts easily, even if they disturb you once in a while!

Communicate with your family and close friends about your problem
Having a heart-to-heart conversation with your close ones might make you feel lighter. You might also want to take their help to chalk out can needs to be done next.
If you are meditating regularly, you’ll find talking to your people easier, as you accept the fact that they are an indispensable part of your life.

List down all possibilities that you can pursue
Why not pick up a pen and pa-per, and start scribbling a plan of action that comes to your mind, like scheduling interviews, posting your resume on job portals, networking with resourceful people, a change in our job profile, learning a new skill, opening up your own business, and so on.
Sometimes, ideas and plans need to be put in black and white to make them see the light of day.
Your regular practice of meditation will help you open up to a boulevard of ideas. Regular meditation is a great habit to cultivate.

Take up some interesting activities will help you feel better
Aren’t there a few things that come naturally when you are very upset?
1 - If you are a guitarist, you might want to play the guitar.
2 - If you are a singer, you might want to sing and compose a song that speaks your heart's plight
3 - If you are a painter, you might want to paint a panorama of your emotions
In any case, you must do something that you like the most, even if you think you don’t do it well. Just do it!
Meditate and see that hesitation go away. Life is to be enjoyed. Daily practice of meditation will help you realize that bad times keep coming and going. We shouldn’t get attached to such events and should keep moving on.

Do some service
During the transition from your old job to a new one, you can do some selfless service. Just a few hours of service everyday can instill an undying enthusiasm in you which can keep you from feeling low. And your daily practice of meditation will help you keep up with your day's activities along with your service buy constantly recharging you with energy.