Your talents are for others
If you are a gifted singer, you want your audience to be overwhelmed by your songs! You want them to cry, smile, fall in love, and sing along.
Similarly, if you are a good dancer, you’d like it when you make others experience a different realm altogether.
Meditation opens up the gates of expression and enhances its quality manifold. Your thoughts, ideas, and emotions flow forth effortlessly in such a manner that the connect with your audience becomes unbreakable.

Use your iPod
Here we refer IPOD to as Inner Peace and Outer Dynamism. When you are calm from within, the dynamism comes out in the most effective way.
So, to be more successful in your art, you need to retain your inner calmness, which gradually brings out a lot of intensity in your performance.
Meditation helps you placate the storms of your mind and keep you rested while you face the storms of competition outside. Even a few minutes of meditation brings such dynamism and energy that you focus rarely waivers from the present moment.

Let every moment be a learning
When you become a keen observer, you’ll realize that even a flower can teach you how to hold a pose! The wind teaches you how to express effortlessly. Watch the raindrops fall and you have a live musical! That freshness and that blossoming of the mind are natural to a student.
When you meditate, you feel so calm and expanded that learning happens effortlessly as you pick cues from everything your eyes land on.

Ask yourself why do you dance?
Once in a while it is healthy to ask yourself, ‘Why am I dancing? What got me here in the first place?’ This helps bring back that same passion which you had when you just started out!
When you meditate, you become clear about what you want for yourself. And then the quality of your expression exuberates such confidence that it touches every spectator’s heart.

Revere your dance
When you revere dance, it enhances the quality of your routines. Meditation helps create a depth in your love for dance, which doesn't let you take the art for granted at any point.
Meditation brings you to a state where you feel the connectedness with dance not just because you love dancing, but also because you revere your practice.

Remember sensitivity and sensibility brings success
When you are performing on-stage, you have to be sensitive to what is happening.
At times, there may be some discomfort in the environment; for instance, the music did not play on time, some part of your costume may give you trouble, the audience may be distracted, and so on. If you are only sensitive, you will be overwhelmed by these.
But, a good dancer requires a blend of both sensibility and sensitivity.
Both sensitivity and sensibility are a result of being aware. Awareness dawns when you take a few moments to be with yourself in meditation. It nourishes the intellect and also gives strength to handle challenges.