A 20-minute Journey Within
Regular practice of yoga pranayama and attention to food help to settle the restlessness, but how to sustain a calm and balanced state of mind? Meditating regularly is your answer. Just twenty minutes of daily meditation is sufficient for the whole day.

Yogic twists are good!
Ten to fifteen minutes of yoga asanas will help remove the restlessness in your body. Few rounds of Sun Salutations could be a good way to begin with. The advantage of yoga asanas over just physical exercise is that yoga asanas are synchronised with the breath and increase your energy levels along with providing the necessary physical stretches.

You Are What You Eat
Have you noticed that on certain days you feel very calm and relaxed, and on some days very restless? This is because the food you eat greatly affects your mind and your emotions. Certain types of food bring restlessness in the mind and body. Avoiding such food will help you reduce anger. These foods mainly include non-vegetarian, spicy and oily foods. Know more on what to eat

Experience The Power Of Rest!
How do you feel the next morning if you have not slept well the night before? Do you tend to get angry more often? Tiredness and restlessness in your body can lead to irritation and agitation in the mind. Sleeping for at-least 6-8 hours a day is important. This ensures proper rest for the body and mind and you are less likely to get agitated.

Drop All Labels
You get angry at something that is happening in the present. Gurudev says, “Any emotion should persist for the same time as that of a line drawn on water.” The same goes for your anger. It comes and it will go. However, as you continue your spiritual practices, the frequency with which anger arises will drop noticeably. You will find that situations that disturbed you before do not even bother you anymore.

Nail Your Anger
Perhaps you heard the story of the boy who used to nail the fence every time he would get angry. You obviously do not need to do that but the moment you start getting angry, become aware of the emotion rising you. When you become aware, a shift happens in the mind and the anger drops. However, regular practice of meditation is required to give you the ability to witness your own mind and the rise and fall of emotions in it.

Have You Hmmed?
This is another instant antidote to anger. Doing the Hmm process takes one to two minutes but will immediately make you calmer. Watch the video to learn how to do the hmmm process.