Challenge #1: How Do I Deal With My Kid’s Endless List Of Questions?
In the age group of 7 to 12 years, the child’s learning curve is very sharp. It is important that you spend adequate time with your child answering his or her questions. Patience is essential to make sure they learn the right things in life.
However, we are overwhelmed by the stresses we are faced with. This is where meditation is a big help. Meditation releases stress from your mind so you give your hundred percent when you are with your kids.
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Challenge #2: Dealing With The Naughty, The Naughtier, & The Naughtiest
Dear Mothers, you’ve got to accept that it is okay if your kid is naughty—they think this is the right way to have fun.Yet teaching them right values is important. But, instead of scolding, you may come up with really creative ways to help rectify their mistakes.
Find ways to keep them busy – ask your kid to feed the birds outside, help you with cooking etc
Second, it is important you get into the "appreciative mode" instead of the "scolding mode".
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Challenge #3: Dealing With Television-friendly Kids
Dear Mothers, it is time to reflect. Did you make your kid sit in front of the television to force-feed them? Did you ask them to watch television because you could not take out time for them from your busy work schedule? These could be a few reasons for their addiction to television.
For busy mothers of today, it is important that you balance work and life well.Meditate for just twenty minutes every day and you’ll see that you've begun to compartmentalize work, completing it in time time so you can spend quality time with kids.
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Challenge #4: Nurturing Friendliness
Children are naturally friendly. Hence, if their behavior indicates they don't want to mingle with other kids, it might be a sign of stress. As a mother, it is very important that you be sensitive to his needs and behavior. Even if you have limited time to spend with your child, make it very fruitful.
Meditation is a good way to allow that sensitivity to fully blossom in you. It will also help you take up issues with your kid in the right spirit.
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Challenge #5: Dealing With Your Kid’s Obesity
Children tend to eat what they find very tasty. At their age, they do not understand the importance of a nutritious diet. You may approach children with love and confidence while talking to them about the ill-effects of junk food.
With regular practice of meditation, you’ll feel positive about changing the current situation, leave the denial mode and face facts, and learn to gently turn any situation in your favor. Whether it is your kid’s obesity or any other problem, you need to face it, understand it, and then handle it. This ability comes with meditation.
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Challenge #6: Academics Vs Passion: What Should Your Kid Choose?
For your part, it is wise to make sure your kid has an in-depth understanding of all subjects, including their field of interest. But when your kid turns into a young adult, you must leave the decision of what they want to become up to them—a dancer, writer, or singer
It is interesting to understand how meditation can open your mind to look at things from a newer perspective. When you meditate, your mind calms down. Because you are calm, you start accepting yourself, and that gives you the strength to accept others exactly as they are. And this includes your kid too.
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