Healthy Food
Somethings to ponder upon:How often does my meal have some healthy items? Do I normally eat more/less than my body requires?
Well, food is a very important source of energy; so eating the right amount and the right type of food at the right time can go a long way in determining your health. Most often just to pamper our taste buds; we end up eating food which might not always be so healthy. Many people have shared that with regular practice of meditation, eating healthy food more often has become easy for them.

Keep Active
Somethings to ponder upon: How often do I feel physically and mentally tired? How often do I naturally keep active and happy during the day?
Aren’t there just so many things to do in a day? And we also obviously want to do everything to the best of our ability. Many who meditate regularly share that meditation naturally keeps them more active and happy during the day. Even when they feel tried, low or bogged down, just a few minutes of meditation charges them up again.
Did you know that meditation gives deeper rest than deepest sleep

Enough Time to Unwind Ourselves
Somethings to ponder upon: How much time each day do I spend in doing things that I really like to do and that relax me?
Have you noticed that your productivity increases when you give your mind and body a chance to relax? But most often we complain that we have no time, there is just so much to do, isn’t it?
Some ways of unwinding yourself is engaging in a hobby. Now the good news is that meditation makes you more efficient in your work so you are able to do things faster than usual leaving enough time for leisure.

Joy at Work
Somethings to ponder upon: Every morning, do I really look forward to the day at work or do I think, ‘Oh God, another day at work?
Think about it, when do you most enjoy doing your work? When you are able to give your best to it? Because when you give your best, you feel satisfied, and that satisfaction makes you happy.
Now how do you give your best? One answer is meditation. The formula is simple - Meditation improves focus, focus improves efficiency, efficiency improves output and productivity, improved output increases job satisfaction.

Good Social health
Somethings to ponder upon: How many friends do I have? What kind of relationship do I share with them? Do the number of friends I have keep increasing or is it the other way round?
Our social health is also an important component of our health. It is based on how we get along with people. Isn’t it nice to have people around with whom we can share our joys and sorrows with?. You can fall back on your social circle, especially in times of need.
So how can we have a good social circle? – Socializing and being friendly is our nature. But we can always enhance this quality. Meditation makes us sensitive towards others, it develops a quality of acceptance in us; it improves communication and expression. With all these qualities we are better able to bond with others and start sharing healthy relationships.

Less Illness
Somethings to ponder upon: How often do you fall sick?
At one level regular meditation improves immunity so the chances of getting sick reduce. At another level, even if you get sick, meditation fastens the process of healing.