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Repose in these Poses to Lose Weight
Losing weight brings a lot of dedication, commitment, disciplined lifestyle with it. Many of us want to lose weight, we try different diets, work outs, we circuit train and yoga too but somewhere down the lane we tend to lose hope, get bored with the trai ... -
Your Five Sources of Misery
Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 56 Contd. from knowledge sheet 55 " Sukha anushayi ragaha '' (II Sutra 7) sukha = pleasant experience; anushay i = attraction; ragaha = cravings. "Attraction to pleasant experience results in cravin ... -
5 Secrets to Weight Loss
With the advent of fast food, fast life style there came a silent killer who occasionally made rounds on the daily tabloids. Now we have the whole world talking about it- obesity. People are more aware of it than before and no stone is left unturned to co ... -
Yoga- From The Eye Of An Investor
“Mutual Funds are subject to market risk. Please read the offer document carefully before investing”. Aren’t we familiar with the above lines? The disclaimer which finds its place on all mutual fund policies, investment bonds, shares. This is not to ... -
Ignorance is the root cause of Suffering
Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 55 Contd. from knowledge sheet 54 Ignorance is the root cause of Suffering “Tapaha-swadhya-ayaeshwara-pranidhana-kriya-yogaha”. (II Sūtra 1) This is the kriya yoga or yoga of action. Even while doing an activity, see t ... -
Breathe Out Exam Stress
Sore eyes, out of the bed look, a stack of rough notes, sample test papers, and fresh stationary these describe the student gearing up for the exams. The litmus test is on with exams around the corner. Students are barred from watching TV, mobile phones c ... -
Knowing Yoga with Dinesh Kashikar
(Continued from Part-1- Dinesh Kashikar: Journeying with The Yogi) In the first part to Dinesh Kashikar’s interview, we explored his yoga journey through the years, how it all began, how he started teaching Sri Sri Yoga, and his interests in life. In the ... -
The Veils of Misery
Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 53 Contd. from knowledge sheet 52 We are talking about tapas. What does tapas do? Why should we undergo tapas? It purifies and strengthens our system, strength and purity. That is the purpose of tapas. But tapas can al ... -
Teaching Yoga for a Cause: Kamlesh Barwal
From wearing many hats to teaching the world the art to de-stress through yoga, Kamlesh Barwal has brought in good health and cheer in the life of millions across the globe. 1. What attracted you to the Art of Living? How has it changed you as a person an ... -
Dinesh Ghodke: Yoga & Youth Are Lifelines of the Country
Dinesh Ghodke, a graduate from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), has traveled in 32 countries across 5 continents over the last 18 years! He has empowered thousands of youth through various innovative initiatives in yoga, meditation and social pr ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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