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Yoga Alliance Certifies 3 Sri Sri Yoga Teachers
Recently, three Sri Sri Yoga teachers (Krishan Verma, Kamlesh Barwal and Dinesh Kashikar) received the highest certification (Experienced Registered Yoga Teachers) from Yoga Alliance after having taught for over 500 hours. Krishan Verma, the International ... -
Breathe Your Way to a Calm Mind with Yoga
The mind never gets a day off. It’s either busy with ‘who-said-what’ or mulling on the past or the future. With yoga and meditation, train your mind to stay calm, happy and relaxed. Imagine going on a long drive to the countryside with a rundown car. Far ... -
Sri Sri Yoga for Sri Lanka's Schools
In a historic initiative in Sri Lanka, The Art of Living's Colombo city chapter has launched its Health and Wellness charity initiative for school students in the Northern Province. This would be the very first such specific initiative for students i ... -
How To Do Surya Namaskar
Sun Salutation – What is Surya Namaskar?- The Perfect Yoga Workout If you are pressed for time and looking for a single mantra to stay fit, here’s the answer: a sequence of 12 powerful yoga asanas (postures) that provide a good cardiovascular workout in t ... -
The power nap called yoga nidra
It is interesting to see how yoga nidra, where we literally do ‘nothing’, can do wonders for the body and mind. I find yoga nidra as restorative as sleep, or even better than sleep. It offers benefits that go deep down to the subtle levels of our being. B ... -
As Restorative As Sleep- Relax Yourself With Yoga Nidra
A yoga routine provides deep restoration to your body and the mind. And to make your practice more effective, it’s ideal to end your yoga sequence with yoga nidra (yogic sleep). In yoga nidra, we consciously take our attention to different parts of the bo ... -
FAQs on Yoga
Q: What are the benefits of doing yoga? The practice of Yoga includes a very holistic approach to health. It includes practices which focus on the well being of the body, mind and soul. Initially the benefits are very subtle but over a period of time wh ... -
Yoga helps calm nerves after a fight
Ways to create a space of calm with yoga Written by Marilyn Galan When a rug is shaken just before a floor is cleaned, all the dust flies up into the air. Taking time away for some gentle yoga allows the dust to clear when one goes through any disturbing ... -
Living with awareness – Yoga for life with greater joy and productivity
You manage to do many activities with full attention, but sometimes there is no mental relaxation. And there are other moments when your awareness seems to have expanded, but the mind is not sharp. Is it then possible to be totally aware, relaxed and happ ... -
Types of Food
Sattvic Food Sattvic foods are those which purify the body and calm the mind Cooked food that is consumed within 3-4 hours can be considered sattvic Examples – Fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, nuts, grains and fresh milk Rajasic Food They stimula ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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