What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. Love Is Most Powerful

    Gurudev, if love is our very nature, then why do we make one person as the object of our love? Why do we think that we love that one person the most? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: From birth we have known love to be directed from a person. Love gets personalized ...
  2. Be Understanding Of Others

    Gurudev, how to handle teenagers? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There is an old Sanskrit proverb which says, ‘Praptetu shodase varshe, putram mitra vada chareth’. If your son or daughter becomes 16 years you should no longer be their parents, but you should becom ...
  3. Are You Perfect?

    In society, in day to day events, there are so many chances to get frustrated, and when such things happen, there is nothing you can do. Something or the other keeps coming up to get frustrated about. Do you see what I am saying? You want perfection and p ...
  4. Imperfect Is The New Perfect

    (Below is a continuation of the post Are You Perfect?) See, the world is like this, there is pleasure and there is pain. This is the nature of the world. Some or the other reason will always present itself for you to be upset. Sometimes it could be the be ...
  5. The Heart Sutra

    (Below is a continuation of the post The Colors Of Life) Gurudev, how does knowledge of substances lead to enlightenment? Are all physicists enlightened? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You know, a scientist once told me, 'Gurudev, for 40 years I have studied matte ...
  6. True Happiness Is Within You!

    Gurudev, the senses are limited yet our desire to enjoy is unlimited. Please speak on this. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: This is the problem! The capacity of the senses to enjoy is limited but the desire in the mind is unlimited. This discrepancy between wanting ...
  7. Let It Be!

    Tomorrow is Shivaratri, the celebration of the Transcendental Truth or reality; the only reality. Shivaratri is a celebration of the truth that is ultimate bliss (Satchidananda); the substratum of the whole creation, and also the essence of everything tha ...
  8. Take The Best And Leave The Rest

    (Below is a continuation of the post When Love Becomes Eternal) How to know that the girl I like is the one I am looking for, and if I am the right person for her? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: This you have to ask her! If you feel you are not up to the mark, you ...
  9. When Love Becomes Eternal

    Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!Before I had said, 'Let divine be your valentine', today I am saying, 'Let nature be your valentine'.Let us preserve nature, water, the environment, the plants, the air and the energy. This is our responsibility. So let n ...
  10. The Tough Times Make You Stronger

    Dear Gurudev, in my workplace, most of my colleagues drink alcohol, enjoy with girls and do such things. When I try to mix with them I get negative vibrations and my energy is getting drained. I just want to escape from them. How do I accept them and mix ...