What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. A Glimpse Into The Secrets

    In the whole creation, the origin is never seen. A seed is sprouts, but what is happening inside the seed is not known. Similarly a baby is getting formed in the womb, but it is not visible outside. A river is born somewhere, but you can never really go t ...
  2. The World Of Gods

    Time and again we should lift our eyes away from the mundane. The nature of the mundane is that it just occupies you and swallows you completely. Small things can occupy your mind and your time. Simple things such as cooking, shopping, washing clothes, ir ...
  3. How To Understand The Purpose Of Life

    How is spirituality going to combat materialism, separatist tendencies, corruption and criminality in the coming generations? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Do you know the reason for criminality to exist? It is because of stress. And what is the reason for stress ...
  4. Do Business Ethically And Still Make Money

    (The Corporate Culture and Spirituality Conference aimed at promoting ethical business practices through constructive dialogue with industry leaders, was held at The Art of Living International Center, Bangalore. The conference featured illustrious industr ...
  5. The Greatest Happiness

    Gurudev, I understand spiritual practices are to meet God, but that is not my motive. I want to excel in life and in my career. How can spirituality help me do that? Why does spirituality suggest one generic solution to all of life’s problems. Sri Sri Rav ...
  6. Don't Have Any Regrets

    Gurudev, I have the inquisitiveness to know more and go deeper in meditation. Is this contrary to relaxing? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: In meditation you do nothing. Just relax and you will go deeper. What will obstruct you to go deep is eating too much, or usi ...
  7. India- Land Of Diversity

    (Photographer: Amit Shinde. Below is a continuation of the post Never Complain, Never Explain) Yesterday, I spoke about Republic Day celebrations. To celebrate Republic Day is to celebrate and honour Brahmajnana (Knowledge of the Brahman or the Absolute). ...
  8. Never Complain, Never Explain

    Gurudev, why did Lord Krishna slay Shishupala (an evil king in Mahabharata and a distant cousin of Lord Krishna) when he spoke ill and abused Lord Krishna? Lord Krishna could have chosen to punish him in some other way also. Why did He resort to killing h ...
  9. Truth Resonates

    Gurudev, I am a Muslim lady and I come from very far to listen to knowledge from you. The Koran is the base of our religion but I cannot identify myself with the Islam of today. But your words go deep into my being. Why? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Our soul alw ...
  10. Take Life With Enthusiasm

    (Below is a continuation of the post Truth Resonates) Gurudev, why do I have to take on so many responsibilities. I have the responsibility of my happiness, my husband’s happiness, family’s happiness, etc. Why all this when ultimately I have to die? Sri S ...