FAQs on Sudarshan Kriya
Michael Fischman : During the Art of Living Basic Course there is a lot of focus on the breath. Why is that? Gurudev:Our...
Sudarshan Kriya - FAQ
Q: What happened in those 10 days in Shimoga? Gurudev: I just wanted to be in silence. There was an urge to do,...
Sudarshan Kriya Experiences
General Reported benefits of the Sudarshan Kriya include: We...
Learn Sudarshan Kriya
To learn how to do Sudarshan Kriya, find an Art of Living centre...
Origin of Sudarshan Kriya
Sudarshan Kriya came into being in 1982 in Shimoga, India when...
8 reasons why working women should do Sudarshan Kriya
In these modern times, women face many challenges. They have a lot of responsibilities to fulfill, both at home...
Happiness Starter Kit
We’ve all heard the phrase “Take a deep breath.” But have you noticed how your breath changes depending on how...
Sudarshan Kriya - Research
Several independent research studies (www.aolresearch.org) on...
Sudarshan Kriya powers Tine's Mount Everest climb
Mount Everester Tine Mena tells how the Sudarshan Kriya helped...
Sri Sri on Sudarshan Kriya
Nature is replete with various rhythms and cycles - day follows...
Sudarshan Kriya for Depression
Summary of Research Studies on Sudarshan Kriya in Peer Reviewed...
Research on Sudarshan Kriya
Physical & mental health benefits, often shown from the very first session. And results are cumulative; they...
Sudarshan Kriya - Benefits
Sudarshan Kriya is a simple yet powerful rhythmic breathing technique that de-stresses, and cleanses at the cellular...