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  1. Just 20 Minutes of Meditation Can Keep Your Mind Healthy

    Isn’t our mind the very essence of our being—what makes us feel alive? What are we without our mind? Flesh and blood? You’d probably agree. Our perception, experiences, feelings, and the ability to think and act are all processed by our mind. Doesn’t that ...
  2. What is Meditation?

    Meditation is a simple yet powerful technique that effortlessly allows your mind to become calm and peaceful. All you need to do is sit with your eyes closed and you might experience deeper rest than the deepest sleep which you can ever have! Benefits of ...
  3. Meditation and Awareness

    Meditation makes you totally relaxed and at the same time sharpens your awareness. Transform pain- with awareness When we raise our consciousness, we become more aware of the sensations that are happening in the body and we see that the sensations change. ...
  4. Meditation and Decision making

    When you are confused, whatever you do tends to feel wrong. Whatever choice you make, you feel that the other would have been better. When you feel confused, take a pillow and go to bed.- A Chinese proverb Follow the principle of the Chinese proverb. When ...
  5. Meditation and the Senses

    We have five sensory organs- eyes, nose, ears, tongue and skin. Meditation can happen when there is harmony in the five senses. When you sit for meditation, observe all your sensory organs. Observe your breath and eye movement. Is your breath steady? Is t ...
  6. Meditation and The Memory

    Memory can make you either sad or enlightened. Meditation can bring that shift in your memory – to let go of the trivial, and to recognize your infinite nature. Holding On To The Limited & Trivial How often is our mind churning with unpleasant memorie ...
  7. Meditation and The Ego

    'When you are in a group, and there is discomfort, this is because of barriers, of the ego. Take a deep breath, watch the discomfort, it will disappear.- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. What Is Ego? Ego says, "I am something, I am somebody, I am v ...
  8. 7 Meditation Mantras for Youth: Sit Still, Move Mountains

    All the adventures in a person’s life are normally concentrated in the few years between 16 and about 25.It is imperative that we learn to ride the storms and scale the heights. Choices are made, words are spoken, actions are taken faster than the speed o ...
  9. Meditation and music: Secret to perfect harmony

    My gaze was fixed on his fingers moving deftly across the strings of his guitar. Words that came out of his mouth created a sensational effect on me. My body swayed along the gentle breeze, which also seemed to be dancing to the tune that Vikram played th ...
  10. Meditation for a Travel Bug

    There are two kinds of people in this world. One, for whom traveling is a passion and a lot of fun. Exploring new places, tasting different foods, discovering new cultures – they are simply smitten by the travel bug! And then there’s another category of p ...