The Man of Sun
“18 years of working in night shifts had made me obese and given me severe back, knee and neck pain. One day, my backache became so intense that I went looking for a doctor in the middle of the night. That day, I resolved that I won’t live on pills anymore. On the advice of an Art of Living teacher, I enrolled in yoga classes. Within three months, I lost 10 kgs. All my pains dissolved in thin air. I was feeling as light as a feather. To be more disciplined, I resolved not to have my dinner unless I did my yoga practice. Eventually, I became so good at it that I managed to pull a record time of doing 108 Surya Namaskars in 12 minutes! Fortunately for me, doing the fastest rounds of Surya Namaskars did, even more, wonders to my life than getting my name in Limca World Record Book. You see, I work in an environment where hundreds of passengers depend on us for their timely flights. Earlier, that would put me off balance. Now, I’m more relaxed. My family life has improved too. My children, who once complained that I did not give them quality time, feel content with the time I give them. They say I’m more present.
My love for yoga has now made me a Sri Sri yoga teacher. Despite my work schedule, I take one program every month. And when I encounter a program participant who is compromising on his health because of his busy schedule, I tell him my story. I tell him to do #YogaEveryDay” - Jeyakumar Venkatasamy, Aircraft Maintenance Engineer
Written by Vanditaa Kothari