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Gurudev, I would like to be amicable with everyone but there are some people who always treat me like their enemy.
Let them behave however they wish. Nothing in this world stays permanently anyway. People’s opinions keep changing all the time, and no emotions stays with the same intensity. Everything changes over a period of time. Let them be as they are. ... -
Gurudev, how do you deal with a family member who is stiff and bitter?
Deal with them with patience and compassion. They are going through some rough patches. Do not pay much attention to what they say, and do not say too much to them. Take anything they say with a smile. Give them some space to calm down and get rid of wh ... -
Dear Gurudev, how to act passionately after being trained to be dispassionate?
You cannot create passion, when you love something it simply comes to you. You cannot ask me how do I love something, there is no way, no method.Sometimes repetition might create an attachment but I wouldn’t say it is love. I have seen people ... -
Gurudev, I am in silence so I can’t speak but I wish to scream at some people on this course. They are so rude and think only about themselves. Shouldn’t spiritual people be more considerate?
Yes, you are right. I keep them here so that they cause less problems in the world. Just imagine even after having come to the spiritual field if they are rude, how would they have been in their previous incarnation without the spiritual knowledge.Y ... -
Gurudev, if someone is continuously speaking badly, then what should one do?
If someone is doing something continuously, then that is their nature.Can you say that every day the dog is barking? It is a dog only who can bark! You can’t expect a dog to say, 'Meow'. Same way, you should understand that this is the ... -
Many times, someone says something unpleasant to me, but at that time I do not know what to reply back. Later on, I keep on thinking about it again and again for a long time. I think, maybe I should have said this.
That is where the knowledge helps.I know it goes on eating your head for a long time. That is when you should say, ‘Everything is nothing. All this will disappear. All these people are nothing, and they are all going to disappear ... -
Gurudev, my family uses a lot of bad words in their speech. How important is refinement in speech? Does it have any good or bad effect, or is it just to sound cultured?
Well, you have realized it and you don’t use it. If your parents are using bad words, what to do? You can’t change them overnight. So, you stop using it and see that your children don’t listen to those sorts of words. As the sattva in a person incr ... -
How to deal with rude behavior
What do you do when someone behaves very rudely to you? Get upset React rudely back Get frustrated Run-away from and avoid the person or the situation Blame the person Preach to the person None of these will in any way strengthen you. Then what are the op ...