What to do during Navratri
Navratri, when translated into English, means nine nights.
The night is a time for relaxation and rejuvenation of the mind and the body. If we don't rest at night, it becomes difficult to carry on with our activities the next day, doesn’t it?
Similarly, Navratri is the resting time for the spirit in you. It is the time when you withdraw yourself from all sensory activities (eating, talking, watching, touching, listening, smelling), and rest in yourself. This withdrawal from all sensory activities takes you deeper within yourself, which is the actual source of bliss, joy, and enthusiasm in your life.
Most of us don't get to experience this because we are constantly engaged in some activity or the other. We are always engaged with the mind. Navratri is the time to withdraw from the mind and rest in the spirit or soul. It's the time to feel your soul!
So this Navratri, take the opportunity to transition from the gross material world to the subtle spiritual world. Simply put, take some time off from your day-to-day activities and entanglements, and focus on yourself. Think of your origin, of who you are and where you have come. Go within, and rest in the remembrance of the love of the Divine Mother.
Connect to the source
We are connected to this universe - to some power that makes this whole creation happen. This power is filled with love; the whole creation is filled with love. Navratri is the time for you to realize that you are loved, and rest in this feeling of love. When you do this, you come out feeling stronger, wiser, rejuvenated, refreshed and harmonious.
In our day-to-day lives, we get very caught up in different activities. All kinds of noises are constantly going on in our minds - bickering, arguing, and judging, and so on. Navratri is a time to overcome these tendencies and unite with the source.
How to experience Navratri and feel your soul
The way to transition to the spiritual world – to undertake the journey to the inner self, is through silence, fasting, chanting, and meditation.
What stops you from experiencing inner peace is your busy mind, constantly thinking, and, at times, obsessing, about something or the other. Observing silence for some time can help bring rest to the chattering mind. When the mind is quiet, you experience deep rest, peace, and clarity. This, in turn, enhances your ability to express yourself much better. So take some time out to observe silence, as it is one of the most effective ways to clean your mind.
With silence, the mind becomes sharper; you become more aware of what you are saying, and your intuition, also, becomes stronger.
Join live Navratri 2022 celebrations.
Experience authentic and traditional Navratri pujas, homas, and yagnas with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar via live webcast.

The Nav Durga
Discover the nine forms of Divine energy that constitute our life force.

Significance of Ayudha Puja
Ayudha puja is performed to honor and feel grateful for all the instruments that add meaning to our life.

Lalitha The Vibrant One
Get to know Lalitha – the scintillating and dynamic expression of the Self, as described in the Lalitha Sahasranama.

Tips for Fasting
Fasting during Navratri is highly auspicious. Fast the right way with our guide on tips to fasting during Navratri.