Devi Mahatmyam Voyage towards a fully blossomed self
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, renowned humanitarian and spiritual leader, works towards a violence- and stress-free...
The Navratri Yagnas and You
Navaratri means "nine nights" and also "new night". Creation happens in the darkness, in the womb of the mother...
For further information, please contact: World Culture Office Contact: Name Email Accommodation
The Olympiastadium is a monument that has survived both World War I and World War II. Though old, the stadium is...
Shivratri Celebrations 2013 - FAQ
Here you will find many questions answered. Please go through...
Theme Parks And Discussions
The theme park will host Inter-cultural Dialogue: Thoughts...
Event objectives
Promoting peace and intercultural harmony creating a stress-free, violence-free society and celebrating the 30th...
Navaratri Testimonials
Francisco Moreno Ocampo, Venezuela Having the privilege to attend the Navaratri celebrations at the ashram, I realized...
Navratri Celebrations 2013 - FAQ
Here you will find many questions answered. Please go through...
Grand Guitar Ensemble
2nd July, 20.45 - 21.00, Olympiastadion Berlin The World Culture...