Gurudev, it is said that for people and objects that come and go in our life – they were never ours to begin with. My question is that, why do these people or events come in our life when they were never ours, or never will be ours?
Well, everything comes and goes in this world. Nothing stays. We have come to this planet now and we will also leave one day, and those who have already left this world will return to it someday. This is how the cycle of worldly life is. So do not sit and trouble yourself with such questions. Did you understand? Just relax and have fun.
What is use of asking questions like, “Why is water flowing? Why does the sun shine? Why is the sun so hot? Why is it raining?” Your mind gets stuck in asking “Why this? Why that?” What will you gain from getting all your answers? What will you do by getting answers to all your questions? It is good to question things, up to a certain extent. There is a limit to which we can question everything, and restricting the extent of our questions to that limit actually helps awaken us from inside. That is the purpose – to awaken a sleeping person (here meaning one who is stuck in inertia or negativity). Once a person awakes to the reality, then there are no more questions. All questions come to an end, and life becomes a melodious harmony.